
Beach Time!!!

4:48 PM

Warm sand, sunshine, surf rolling in, swaying in the hammock, rocked by a western breeze off the water—sounds like a plan to me! Wonder if I can talk my honey into joining me........

The image above was painted during the recent "Imaginary Visit to the Beach" and we'll be leaving again on Monday, May 24th! Want to come and join the fun? Please click here for more information!

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13 Creative Thought(s)

  1. If you can't talk your honey into it...you can sure talk me!!!! Gorgeous image..and words:)

  2. Hey, Suzanne, let's grab our stuff and go! "Honey" doesn't much care for the beach at this tome of year. Making it a girls day at the beach will be much less stressful!!

  3. If I weren't so far away Laure, I would be there in a heartbeat. My dream in life is to live by the ocean. Too bad MO is in the middle of the USA. Love your painting. so special. Hope you get to the beach. Enjoy for me. !!

  4. a beach day sounds wonderful... i am so close, but never seem to go. what a beautiful painting! the colors are so delicate and the textures are gorgeous!

  5. We loved by the Beach for years and I miss it..sometimes...Like right now when looking at your painting. Can I join you guys at the Beach too? lol

  6. Would love to have you, Martha! I'm pretty sure they'd let you move out of MO if you wanted to!!!

    Randi, I know the feeling. We're about 20 minutes away and seldom go to the beach! SIlly when you think of it.

    Cris, come and join us!! The more the merrier!

  7. oops.. that is we LIVED by the beach.. Loved it too. lol

  8. We knew what you meant! Besides, I put "tome" instead of time up in the first comment I posted!

  9. ....I LOVED taking this class earlier this year, Laure!! I'm going to head to the beach this June and will use a lot of the techniques I learned (loved that foamy trick).

  10. Hey -- this is a SUPER class and you don't need to be near Florida to do it. It is an Imaginary trip and Laure's instructional videos and assignments are super! The online interaction with the other students (as well as Laure's written feedback online) is very informative and fun. Its a great experience!!

  11. I agree with Claire--the beach class is lots of fun, and no sand in your bathing suit required.

  12. Love this painting! So light, airy and well, beachy! :-)

  13. This is beautiful! Perfect shadowing and such a nice flow to the whole thing. I haven't been here in a while. I'm glad I stopped by! You've been busy creating wonderful things ;)


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