
Happy May Day!

5:02 PM

Wren in Watercolor • Nature Sketchbook
by Laure Ferlita • © 2009 All Rights Reserved

Another month gone! April was a particularly good month for me and May is shaping up to be great as well! I do love progress and I've seen quite a bit in the last month to six weeks. For some reason, I go on a walkabout and forget to use my day organizer/calendar/goals minder. Every time I do, production goes way down, things start falling through the cracks, and I get overwhelmed. This month I've had my day organizer and my list of tasks and I've stayed on track! Yay!

I am calling the "cutest little wren you've even seen" complete for now. I chickened out on the experimental idea, but haven't totally abandoned the idea. This always happens when I have a painting turn out better than expected - I stop before "I mess it up." Would I mess it up? Dunno. Not gonna find out either!

I signed up for Apple's one-on-one classes today. I've been a Mac user since the early 90's but there is so much more to these machines than meets the eye, and in just the 20 minutes I was in the store, I learned several things. I think it will be money well spent helping me to harness the power of technology in general, and my computer in specific!

I finished out the month of April with 30 little boxes on my Creativity Log painted in! Woohoo! Thirty straight days of doing something creative and most of that drawing or painting. I am now two months up of straight creativity. We'll see how long the streak will last!

Now with the wren finished, I'm off to go and find my next painting. I'm thinking flowers, but my muse is probably thinking something else. I've had a couple of visions of rusty stuff float by a time or two, so it may be time to do a painting of something rusty. Maybe flowers in a rusty can. And a bird. And what about a butterfly. Or a dragonfly . . . . .

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10 Creative Thought(s)

  1. How cool is that! The birdie not only has feet, but his very own branch to sit on. Magic!

  2. It is indeed the cutest wren ever!! Love it.

  3. From its sharp, smooth beak to its touchably fluffy feathers to the bark on the twig - you got each of the textures just right. This is really a lovely little painting.

    Although I am anxious to know what you had in mind with your experimental idea, I completely understand you stopping before you messed it up. I do that all the time. However, I have found that I grow the most as an artist when I don't play it safe. So that's my gentle nudge to you. Play it risky next time and see where it takes you!

  4. Laure...he is the cutest little wren I've ever seen!!
    I like your description of a walkabout...made me chuckle. Great job on your creativity chart. We all need to follow suit and give it a try.

  5. Thank you all for the wonderful comments!

    Gabrielle, you could not be more right and I so appreciate the nudge! I really wanted to play it risky on the last two paintings I've done and then . . . chickened out. Next time!

    Kelly, I don't know what else to call it but a walkabout - without a doubt I will go off and leave behind all the tools that get me where I want to go. Not sure why. I just do it.

  6. How wonderful that you've stayed on top of your goals! The Creativity Log sounds like a good idea. How long did it take you to paint the wren? It is exquisite!

  7. Your skill is wonderful! What a sweet tweet.

  8. Thank you Krista, and Gwen!

    Krista, I'm not sure as I didn't track my hours. As I was feeling rebellious, I slowed way down and worked in layers. I would estimate about 8 to 10 hours spread over 5 days.

  9. you are sooo talented! I am amazed by your work! lovely blog :)

  10. Your wren turned out beautifully! You did an especially wonderful job on this one.


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