
Tea POT of Happiness, FULL of Joy

4:38 PM

Watercolor over Ink
3.5 x 5.5 Moleskine WC Sketchbook

Here's something you probably don't know about me–I'm not a huge fan of black ink. It has its place, just not in my sketches. I'm not sure why I feel that way. Maybe because it's...well, because it's so dark? It seems stark to me. Now, in some sketches, other people's sketches, it looks great. Mine look....harsh. So why am I telling you this? Because I've started searching for an alternative (permanent) ink color to use in place of black. 

The teapot featured above is one of those little look-a-like Limoges boxes and is drawn with ZIG® Clean Color Real Brush Marker/Pen in Oatmeal. It's permanent ink, water resistant and can be blended. (BTW, did you know blendable is not a word? I didn't. The word is out there on the internet, but it's not in the dictionary. There, now that's two things you've learned today.) I like the oatmeal color, but I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for. 

I went with my Father-In-Law this morning to the eye doctor, well actually, to the surgeon as he had cataract surgery. I was the designated driver and I had about 2.5 hours to kill. On the way out of the door this morning, I was looking for something to sketch and my eyes landed on this little teapot. It was left over from the yard sale this weekend. I also took my computer as I had some work to do. When we arrived I pulled out the laptop and did my work. When that was finished I pulled out my little teapot.

I may have imagined it, but it seemed the volume went down for a second or three when I set the little  teapot on the table so I could see it to sketch. Now mind you, I was probably the youngest in the room by 25 years. Maybe 30. And I had the feeling that most of them were thinking "What is that young un' up to now?" (Remember, I'm in the South down here.) Finally, one brave soul leaned over and whispered loud enough for the other 21 folks in the room to hear, "Whutrudoin'? [Translation: what are you doing?]"

"Sketching," I replied with a smile. "Kinasee? [Translation: Can I see?]" she asked. I leaned over and showed her just the bare bones drawing (no paint). She looked at it a minute then stared at me a minute longer before saying, "You're not to good, are you?"

To which I burst out laughing and said, "No, ma'am, I gotta long ole' waystago."

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14 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Love the story of your drawing in public. Ya gotta love em... LOL I DO LOVE the teapot tho.

  2. I started smiling when I read your headline, and by the end of the post I was laughing. Your little teapot is darling--but I'll bet you didn't get the chance to show your commentator the finished product. But who cares what she thinks, anyway. Glad you were able to be so productive while helping out the FIL. Hope the surgery went well. Hugs to you for your great artistic bravery--sketching people, sketching in a public waiting room--what's next (you young whippersnapper)?!?

  3. Laure, I love it! The story brings a smile and a laugh!

  4. Oh Laure, what a fantastic story. I love the teapot. Keep on looking, you will find the right ink for what you want to do. Your work is so beautiful.

  5. Ohhhhhhh my gosh...I laughed out loud. That is hysterical. I can't even imagine it, but after being in Florida this spring and witnessing some of the oldsters in action, maybe I can imagine it...

    As for the teapot. I have a thing for teapots...love 'em, and I love yours. That has notecard written all over it...

  6. that's hilarious!!!! we should all be as "not too good" as you! if only she could see it now, all finished...

    as for ink, what i like to use, is noodlers lexington grey ink in a lamy safari fountain pen. there are lots of colors and it works great with watercolor.

    let us know what other inks you find!

  7. Oh my gosh Laurie. You just made my day. You are so honest it fills my heart with hope. I have always been a little leary of drawing in public. I always hate the thought of someone doing just this. If you can laugh I could too. I know I will hear it if you do, you are miles ahead of me in the art game. You can be satisfied with the thought that she didn't see the end picture. It is sweet. I like it a lot. The smoke curling into a message. We can all smile now. Big ((hugs)).

  8. Cute post, Laure--I enjoyed that. I'm here in the south, too, you know, so I didn't need the translations--I caught right on. Scary. Love the little teapot of joy. And I think you're quite good!! What does she know?

  9. You guys have made me smile tonight!! Thank you! The funny part of this (to me) is that I really don't think she meant harm. She was just stating the obvious (to her).

    Thanks, Cris!

    KJ, FIL is all good, thanks for the wishes. Who knows what I'll do next - stay tuned!

    Pat, I'm glad you liked it!

    Thank you, Martha, the hunt is on!!

    Thanks, Randi, I need to look into that ink.

    Lisa, thanks for the hugs, and hugs back!

    Sue, I think you have to be from the South to get those translations!

  10. too funny!

  11. Ha ha!! Laurie that was entertaining!! Nothing like speaking your mind (and I loved your answer too)!

  12. OMG! This was so funny! Ha! If only the person who looked at your work knew what a fabulous artist you are!!! LOLOL!

  13. Tooo funny. But wait...... The commenter was in for eye issues - obviously hasn't has surgery yet :)

    This is a lovely Tea Pot with heart!

  14. Thanks, everyone!

    Yeah, it was pretty funny, Krista!

    I love the "oldsters" as Kelly called them and their "plain spoken-ness," Caroline, and I figured it was better to surrender than to even try and fight!

    Thank you, Julie!

    Those were my thoughts, Pam! I don't know if she was a designated driver or the patient, but either way, looking at it from her view - it wasn't very good!


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