
Christmas Has Left The Building!!

6:16 PM

Woohoo!! Finally! Christmas has finally been packed away and safely deposited back into the attic for the next 10 months. Yes, I know it's February. We had a running debate for several weeks about just leaving it up as fast as January flew through here!

It never fails, though, that something, an ornament, a pillow, or a piece of greenery, will hide out in the wide open until we get everything put away, and then say "hey, what about me?!"

So a few years back, I decided I would keep one ornament out. I would deliberately not put something away in an effort to stop this nonsense. It hasn't worked. Instead of one, I just have two things out. But that's okay 'cause he's cute, he's happy, he doesn't ask for anything, and he doesn't give me a hard time about anything. (Secretly, I think he's just delighted not to be stuffed back in a box for 11 months!)

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12 Creative Thought(s)

  1. My kind of girl :) I too leave up a bit o Christmas, some intentional :) But, you are ahead of me. My boxes are still in the garage waiting for the trip up the pull down attic stairs - not a fun job.

    As a child, I remember not getting the tree up until Christmas eve. Then, some years it would be up until March :) Just love those decorations :) Needles are messy though.......

  2. Cute little guy! I have the same problem with stray decorations hiding in plain sight. I leave a few things that say "winter" rather than "Christmas"--and hope that whatever didn't get put away looks like it was left out on purpose!

  3. Ahhh...he is a cutie, and if those temps keep dropping in Florida, he will feel right at home soon! Glad you're all packed up and put away. I still have a few renegades hiding out!

  4. And he's so happy and adorable that he should stay out!

  5. I have stray ornaments/decorations around our house too. I can relate! Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  6. He fits in with the season now. He might get a little uncomfortable this summer but hey, he is the one that stayed out.

  7. Well, you did good! I have to laugh, because I was pulling out of the driveway yesterday and laughed when I realized we still have a "Merry Christmas" cover on our mailbox that I totally missed. 'Bout time to change that, eh?!

  8. don't worry, you are not the only one! our neighbors across the street still have their house fully decked out and even turn their lights on at night!

  9. Well.....we should keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts all year long, right?

    I see your Paris guides back there---are you planning your *real* trip ; )?

  10. My decorations just got put away yesterday, and like you, one got overlooked. I usually put it away by itself, and then forget about it the next time the decorations go up. I should just leave it out like you do. From all the other comments I guess it is just normal.

  11. Funny, yes, there is always something that is left out.....doesn't it feel wonderful when it is all put up! The Hearts for Haiti website is awesome!!! thank you so much for all your work in putting this together!

  12. In our house, that's not Christmas, that's WINTER! All snowmen are allowed to stay out of the Christmas box until March. Hopefully, most of the Christmas stuff is packed away by the end of January in our house.

    By the way, he's a cutie!


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