
Art Hearts for Haiti - the Web Site is Now UP!!!

2:35 PM

The Art Hearts web site is now up with all of the art submitted!! It can be found here. It is currently publishing to my Mobile Me account. It will eventually publish to Art Hearts For Haiti.com. I've been having some technical difficulties with my software. Once that is resolved, I will change the address to the correct one. 

All of the hearts are in random order on the web site. I recommend watching the slideshow as that really shows the art off well! I named the hearts by the artist's first initial and last name - if I had it. If the artist  submitted more than one item there is a number sequence of 1, 2, 3, etc. Please go and take a look at the art and let me know if I have missed anyone's heart, misspelled a name, if you would like to change your name or something else. 

You can click the email link on the side bar of the blog or there are links on the web site. More info coming very soon!

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12 Creative Thought(s)

  1. This looks fabulous! The slideshow is amazing, you did a wonderful job!!

  2. That slideshow was so great to watch!!! Thankyou for what you are doing for Haiti!!!!!

  3. Awesome Laure. Thank you for all the hard work and effort.

  4. Absolutely beautiful and unique hearts here.
    Great job on coordinating everything Laure!

  5. Wonderful job. It does my heart good to see so much work by so many people in one place. You pulled us together beautifully.

  6. Beautifully put together. loved sitting and watching the slide show through twice. ;-)

    How does one turn this into money for Haiti? When someone shows an interest in purchasing one of the hearts, a copy of the art in some form? Or are you putting them together in some other way to profit Haiti?

  7. I'm going to go see it right now, but first, just let me thank you for all your efforts on this, Laure! So kind of you, and I really appreciate it very much.

  8. Wow--they are stunning! It made me tear up to see so many beautiful images and think about what they represent. Thanks again, Laure.

  9. ...wow.....so many cool and beautiful hearts!! I could just feel the love as I looked through all of them. What a great idea you had. Thanks for all the work you put into it.

  10. Amazing hearts...would love it if all the particpating "heartists" would be willing to send a copy of their hearts to Kate and Emma's Art Hearts for Haiti project that you recently made a post about. Their goal is to collect 10,000 hearts and send them to children in Haiti. They've collected 1,200 so far. Send to: P.O. Box 664, Lunenburg, MA, 01462. See: www.letsgoghart.com/art-hearts.html for more details. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.

  11. What a wonderful page full of hearts!

  12. Beautiful job, Laure! Thanks again for coordinating this~~


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