Watercolor Sketch* in Paris Sketchbook
by Laure Ferlita © 2009 All Rights Reserved
Isn't he cute?! Walking around the city* this afternoon, I could not help but notice all the dogs! They're everywhere! The hardest part was figuring out which one to sketch. This little guy was very well behaved and patient - he knew if he sat still just a little bit longer, he was going to get a treat from the nice stranger! And he did, after the stranger checked with his person!
This is a watercolor sketch in my Paris sketchbook. It took about 45 minutes total. Maybe 10 minutes sketching with another 35 painting. I will probably strengthen some of the darks when I get back to my imaginary hotel room tonight.
Details for An Imaginary Trip to Paris online class will be announced this week - I am hoping for September 1st! I will announce the web site here on the blog along with the link as soon as it is finalized and goes live. It has been worth the wait to get the details right - I know this is going to be an awesome class and will be lots of fun! Thanks for your patience in waiting for the details.
*This sketch is in preparation for An Imaginary Trip to Paris starting September 21st which will be a sketching and painting holiday for those who join me! (I'm not really in Paris, darn it!) More information coming this week!