
I See You!!!

4:53 PM

I See You!!
Black Snake

This little black snake was hanging out in the plumbago out front on Sunday afternoon. S/he was a little over 2 feet long and quite curious....until I took the shot you see above! That was just a little too close for comfort and as soon as the shutter clicked, we were gone!!

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15 Creative Thought(s)

  1. OH dear it does look curious.. It has a cute face. Are they poisonious? Or like our garden snakes...harmless.

  2. Harmless as in they are not poisonous, however, like most snakes, more than capable of making you hurt yourself trying to get away from him!!

  3. Ahhhh...a woman after my own heart. You know I've become very fond of the slinky little things! She's a cutie--boy what big eyes too--like she's as startled as you!

  4. Slinky little things!?! Too funny!

    What I missed was her/his little tongue darting out scenting the air for danger. Maybe next time!

  5. Good pic! I know it's an innocent snake but any type just scares the dickens out of me! Enjoyed the journal, have been MIA for awhile and trying to reconnect...have missed checking in!

  6. I bet you don't have too much trouble with snails and slugs. This is a great portrait.

  7. Hey, Theresa! Good to hear from you! Hope all is well!

    No, Lisa, not in the front yard. We do have them in the backyard, but we also have dogs in the backyard and they're not fond of snakes!

  8. How sweet...a good snap there!!! Not easy to capture, I'm sure!

  9. Ha! Love this shot - obviously didn't expect you to be there! Great that you had your camera to hand.

  10. I opened our front door a couple of nights ago and turned on the porch light.... to see a baby snake on the glass of the storm door just about eye level with me! Yikes! I declined to invite my reptilian visitor in ;-)

  11. He looks cute here. I am quite afraid of snakes myself. Out of all the ones we've seen here so far only one has been of the non-poisonous variety. All but one of the rest we've seen were rattlesnakes and the other was a coral snake. I'll just stay back and use my zoom lens if I even think to take a pic! I'm usually trying to make sure the dogs are all in the house.

  12. What a great photo! I'm not really a snakey girl (Kelly's phrase), but this guy (girl?) is pretty cute.

  13. Thanks, Susan, for stopping by and commenting!


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