
A Few Stolen Moments

9:16 AM

Chris and I slipped away to spend a few hours at the beach yesterday, hoping the winds would blow away some of the dust and cobwebs from our too busy lives......

We watched this guy for a while, just flyin' along.....

.....when suddenly, he (nearly) stops in mid-air.....

.....and makes a sharp turn.....straight down!


Splash down!!!

This was all that could be seen of the pelican after the splashdown....

And then he was off - in search of another meal!

We watched the Brown Pelican dive several more times, but he was too far away for any of the photos to come out clearly. It was a beautiful day - the first warm one in over two weeks. A very welcome change. The clouds you see in the top photos are a front that was moving in late yesterday afternoon - to bring us more rain. I was able to get in a little bit of sketching, but the day was mostly about enjoying time away and time together.

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12 Creative Thought(s)

  1. What incredible photos! I'm so glad you got a few hours to be together and relax. I hope it refreshed you both.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day. It is always amazing to see these huge birds dive like this. I hope it got its meal. Brown pelican has been taken off the endangered list. This is a wonderful thing. I hope you were filled with inspiration this day.

  3. This is perfect!!! I've always wanted to capture the dive. So glad you got to get out and enjoy. Nothing like a trip to the beach to bring calm. First warm day up here too. Now rain.........

  4. Looks and sounds like a beautiful day. Are you both relaxed now?

  5. I love the frame-by-frame photographs! What a nice time you two must have had...


  6. I remember how much fun these guys were to watch when we vacationed in the Virgin Islands. Amazing how they can zero in on lunch!

  7. Seeing your photos and reading about your experience just gave me a breath of fresh air. I honestly felt like a breeze of beach air just blew by.

  8. Great photos. Looks like that dive would hurt.

  9. Nice, Laure! Your pictures are fantastic! You really captured this guy! It sounds like a therapeutic day--good for you guys!

  10. Alright, Laure!!! A great sequence of a pelican's dive. I loved it, and it's very good. Can't wait to see a pelican do that in person. Glad you and Chris were able to get out and spend some time relaxing. (I should be cleaning but had to take a quick break....now, back to work with me!).

  11. I wonder if he caught his fish or did he just keep trying? So this is the brown pelican in flight? I've never seen one that way before.

  12. Hey Laure! Love the photo series... was expecting to see a fish as his prize after he came back up from the water.

    Glad you got some time away. The hubby and I plan to take a picnic and spend the day at the beach next Thursday (fingers crossed that our plans don't come undone!). I'm looking forward to it!


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