
Hummin' Right Along!

4:25 PM

Summer is just flying by. Ridiculously so. What is the hurry, I keep wondering. Well, since I can't do anything to slow it down, I might as well scribble in my journal a little bit faster!

Rollerball Gel Ink Pen and Watercolor
5" x 5" on Watercolor Paper

I will never forget the summer we went on vacation with two of my aunts and uncles, all of their children and my grandparents. We stayed in this big old house on Lake Junaluska (North Carolina) and it had three floors! Of course, stairs were so enchanting to a four year old that I could hardly contain myself! At the top of the stairs, in my parents bedroom, were windows that looked out on a Mimosa Tree.

That tree was constantly covered with hummers! There must have been hundreds of them and they were so tiny and perfect flying bloom to bloom...something that made an incredible impression on little me. I've always wanted to go back and find that house and stay there again to see the hummers, but I'm sure the house, the tree, and most certainly the hummers, are probably gone. So they will live on in my memory and my journal.

This little beauty was sketched for the Artful Journaling Explorations class currently going on. In this lesson, we explore getting more out of the common rollerball gel pen. Another starts on September 21st for anyone who is interested in exploring alternative materials!

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10 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Oh I love hummingbirds. This is a cute little guy. Thats the beauty part about ones imagination and journaling. Sometimes they are much better then the real thing or even the only thing left from the real thing. Sometimes you really cant go back home again. Things are always changing but the imagination stays the same or grows. Loved this post.

  2. You know, Cris, you're right and I had not thought of it that way before. My folks tell me the house wasn't that great, but it was an enchanted castle to a 4 year-old that had never been in a house with stairs before!

    And it can live on that way in my imagination.....

  3. Great story and post! I wanna go on vacation so I can participate in you class. Wanna, wanna, wanna.....

  4. Love the hummingbird--I can't wait to draw/paint him!

  5. I love Mimosa trees. They are rare here where I live and the first time Don and I saw one we loved it. That is so great to read hummers like it also.
    Love the sketch Laure

  6. In this day and age there are fewer houses with stairways. I work in an old house converted into a store. It has a nice big stairway. When children come into the store they always gravitate to the stairway. They want to go up and down. Your post has evoked many "stairway" memories of my youth. I also love mimosa trees. They always bloom around my birthday. Those pink fluffy blossoms are marvelous. The hummingbirds told me so.

  7. Hi Laurie. I love your work. I'm from Brazil and I don't know what kind of brush you use in the video of the birdhouse. It's quite different and it looks like a pen.
    Could you tell me the name of this brush? I'm going to Florida next January and I'd love to buy some.
    Thanks a lot!
    my e-mail is: anacbachiega@gmail.com

    Ana C. B. Castro

  8. I love these little guys and yours is so realistic. I can imagine how exciting that must have been to see so many tiny birds flying outside the window of that house.

  9. What a magical memory, Laure! I'm sure it is what makes your hummer come to life! He is just stunning! It is amazing that you used rollerball gel pen! Very interesting!

  10. Come on, Pam! Would love to have you join in the fun!

    Thanks, KJ!

    Thanks, Toni, and yes, hummingbirds LOVE those trees!

    What a cool "present" for your birthday, Lisa!

    Thank you, Ana, I'll send you an email!

    Katie, it was one of those memories I'll always have it was sooooo special to see all those birds!

    Thank you, Julie!


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