
Dreaming of London!

9:40 AM

Not that I will be going any time soon, but I WILL be going eventually! I still think it makes sense to practice, practice, practice for those opportunities when I DO get to London and just about anywhere I go! If you have AAA Road Service, you probably received their recent travel magazine with a Buckingham Palace guard on the front cover - well, that's my interpretation of Bucky!

I put myself in the mindset of being across the busy street with a limited amount of time to draw AND paint Bucky before I had to get back on the bus to go to the next destination. This is what I came up with and I'm fairly pleased as this is some of that loose stuff that I really don't do so well. I need more practice.

I had to really keep myself focused on shapes and not detail. I had several missteps along the way where I chided myself for putting in waaaaay too much detail, but in the end it turned out well - I would be pleased if I had actually painted that in my travel journal whilst on location! Especially since I'm still trying to learn to paint on location! LOL! (One step at the time. Next thing you know I'll be moving from my studio to the kitchen!!)

Kidding aside, I have actually painted outside, at restaurants, and in my Jeep but have not completed anything to my satisfaction. There's still time to practice before I board that plane though! ; ) This sketch was done with my travel palette that is covered in palette mud as well as neutral tint and a couple of reds. I do need to figure out a better flesh tone than what I used. Bucky is painted on Winsor Newton 140 lb. cold press and is actually on the back of one of the failed paintings from Sunday. Maybe Sunday's work is paying off after all!

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6 Creative Thought(s)

  1. OMG, going to London!!! How exciting!!!! Wish I was going with you. I can't wait to see the resulting art!!

  2. This is my positive thinking at work. We had a tentative trip planned, Teri, but it has been postponed for the foreseeable future. Drats! One of these days and sooner rather than later.

  3. Anticipation is half the fun! When you finally get there take lots of photos!

  4. Wow, Lori, I need to borrow that statement - "Anticipation is half the fun!" What a wonderful outlook and you are so right!

    I've got a 16 gig memory card for my camera, so I've got the photo part covered!!; )

  5. Re: "don't do loose so well".... hmmmm... I haven't seen anything on your blog yet that wasn't really lovely!

    Love your cute little guard... you captured his "at attention" stance very well. The Queen would be proud!

  6. Thanks, Teresa! You always cheer me up and on!


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