
Keeton's Class Project for 5.30.15!

2:43 PM

Do you have supplies left over from your scrapbooking days now that you've moved on to sketching? Wondering what to do with them?

Tomorrow, down at Keeton's in Bradenton, I'll be doing a live class and we're going to be working on a mixed-media page using scrapbooking paper as the main design with watercolor, stencils and colored markers to make a fun and festive page.

Come and join me if you can! More info here. Hope to see you there!

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4 Creative Thought(s)

  1. ...this sounds very fun...and creative! Can't wait to hear more about the class. Good luck!

  2. Very cute and fun page. Wish I could have been there!

  3. Dear Laure-catching up with your posts. Love your sketchbook pages. Wonderfully done and I am sure in later times it will bring back great memories too. Your trip to Gator land looked like such fun.
    Good luck with your project at Keeton.

  4. This little birdhouse is the cutest thing evah!!! I love it. What little red bird or any other color for that matter wouldn't LOVE living there. So creative and makes me smile. Thanks for posting!


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