
Wonderful, Weird Florida!

4:20 PM

Commemorating A Wild and Wacky Mother's Day 
Ever go to Gatorland on Mother's Day?

Ever been to Gatorland...at all?!

Well, we have! We went this past Sunday with family and friends and it would not do but some of them just had to go zip-lining over the gator ponds!
The Zippers
And they all had a blast. So much so, that I've already heard discussion about a return trip though we'll probably wait for cooler temperatures—it was HOT! (And yes, I know this is Florida, the land of there perpetual summer!).

The park had plenty of alligators and crocodiles along with lots of other critters—panthers, bobcats, tortoise, parrots, budgies, snakes, spiders, herons, egrets, flamingos, ducks, wood storks, anhingas, a rookery,  and without a doubt, the most buzzards I have ever seen at one time! There were hundreds of them!

It was interesting to watch the shows. Most of them were quite comical and at the same time, they were sliding in a lot of education about the critters, their habitats, what kind of environment and food they needed as well as a good bit of common sense about how to avoid being lunch.

My sketch above was just a fun parody on the goofiness of the day! The folks that ran the zip line were great sports and did everything they could to scare the pants off all the "zippers." (At no point was anyone in any danger.)
My goofball having a great time. If you enlarge the photo, you'll see me as a pink blob
doing some videoing on the right
The Great Blue Heron was the only thing I actually managed to sketch on location. Everything else was done from photos once we got home. I was too busy running around attempting to video those flying through the air with the greatest of ease.

The silver token has the saying, "See you later, alligator" on one side and the Gatorland logo on the other.

If you're after a slower pace and a glimpse of old Florida attractions, this is a fun place to visit. Unless you go zip-lining, it won't take you a full day to visit, but I think you'll be glad you did!

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4 Creative Thought(s)

  1. It looks like someone had a blast--probably several someones! Love the sketch of your goofball ziplining, too. I've never been to Gatorland--it looks like there is more there to see than "just" gators. Field trip?

  2. This looks like it was a blast. Wish I got to FL more often. Love your sketches.

  3. Sounds like a fun day for sure. And great sketch!

  4. I love your fun pages! I can tell that you all had a great day and I can even hear the laughter in the air! ;-)


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