
I'm Gonna Be Live And In Person On Saturday!!

1:59 PM

I'm going to be doing a live demo (gulp!) on Art Journaling this Saturday at Keeton's Office & Art Supply!! If you're in the or near the Bradenton area, I hope you'll come and join me. 

At Saturday's Demo, I'm going to be demonstrating getting started in Art Journaling with just a few tools, a good sketchbook as well as discussing some of the common pitfalls folks new to art journaling often get caught in.

I'm also delighted to be doing 4 classes as an Introduction to Art Journaling. These classes are suitable for beginners to advanced artists interested in getting started with a journal:

Introduction To Art Journaling: A Visit To the Beach on Saturday, October 11th, from 9 am - 12 noon. It's always fun to capture our "found" treasures on a page! More info here
Come and visit the beach with me!
Introduction To Art Journaling: A Visit To The Bakery on Friday, October 24th, from 9 am - 12 noon. This will be so much fun because we get to eat the treats after we're finished journaling! More info here
Yummy treats from the bakery—what fun!
Introduction To Art Journaling: A Visit To The Farmer's Market on Saturday, November 8th, from 9 am - 12 noon. With lots of color from peppers, fresh citrus and veggies, it's fun to play around and see what we can create on the page. More info here
There's always such gorgeous color at the market!
Introduction To Art Journaling: A Visit To Autumn's Garden on Friday, November 21st, from 9 am - 12 noon. By the time November rolls around, I'm ready for cooler temperatures and for the trees to start showing color! More info here.
I can hardly wait for the temperatures to cool off
and the leaves to change!
The classes are going to be small with lots of individual attention and time to ask (and answer) lots of questions. I do hope you'll come and join me for some journaling fun!

Click here for directions to Keeton's (just enter your address at the top of the page).

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8 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Wow .... how I wish I lived nearby. I would definitely put your demo and classes on my calendar! Those that are able to attend are in for a real T.R.E.A.T. !!! Your pages look so inviting! They make me want to take out my paints and play! Have fun!!

    1. Thanks, Claire! I wish you could be there too. See you in January though.

  2. I'll be visiting my mom this weekend so will try to make it over, not sure if she has anything planned but it would be fun to meet. Hope to meet!! Mim

    1. Awesome, Mim, I hope you can make it as it's always so much fun to meet friends we've met and made in cyberspace!

  3. Wish I could be there. You will do fine. Relax and enjoy it.

    1. Thanks, Lisa, I think I will be too. I just have to get through the week!

  4. I know you'll do great. Wish I could be there too! Good luck.

  5. Dear Laure - I am sure you will do a wonderful job. I always learn so much and come away being inspired by you just reading your blog. Can't imagine how much more I would be if I saw your demonstrations in person. Wish I could be there! Have a great time. Hugs!


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