
Extraordinary Event - Christine Kane's Uplevel Your Purpose Retreat

10:28 AM

I apologize for not having any pictures to go with this post, but taking photos, drawing and painting were the farthest things from my mind during my 3 days in Charlotte, NC at the Uplevel Your Purpose Retreat.

In the many events I've attended over the years in corporate America, I don't believe I've ever experienced the openness, energy and willingness to connect as I did at this event.

Wow! The energy was amazing.

The event was centered around getting clear about who we are, what our business is about and how we can step into our own power with clear, decisive steps and take action to serve others authentically.

This meant leaving behind (or working through) preconceived notions, old mindsets that in some cases we didn't even realize we had! It meant (and will continue to mean) being scared and doing it anyway. It meant leaning on someone who had been a complete stranger just moments before to help us move forward to a more positive mindset.

The information we received is a "nuts and bolts" plan to making our businesses grow—authentically. Make no mistake, we still have to do the work to make it happen. This isn't a magic bullet, drink this magic potion or even a magic pill.

Success was modeled for us by several members from Christine's coaching circles. Businesses as diverse as the women who created them. From a neonatal nurse to an astrologer to a cosmetic surgeon.

One of the biggest things I learned while at the retreat was that will it takes work, sometimes hard work, to build a successful business, it doesn't have to be a struggle. We get into the habit of making our lives difficult so we can celebrate our victories over the struggle by sharing it over and over again with friends and family.

I'm coming to understand just how much this behavior limits me and what I can accomplish. This type of behavior drains me and steals energy that I could be using to accomplish more.

One of the other lessons I heard time and again, was that life is a process just as success and failure are as well. I create success, or failure, through the myriad decisions I make everyday. Neither success or failure is a one time event—it's the thousands of decisions made each day.

As I move forward with what I've learned/learning, you'll begin to notice changes. Some big but mostly small tweaks to what I'm already doing.

I look forward to sharing the growth with you. Meanwhile, I encourage you to check out Christine's blog—it's chocked full of goodies!

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13 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Sounds great. I like the idea of the many moments making up the whole. That means when things are not going well we can adapt, change and move ahead again! Nothing is written in stone; we are changeable if we want to be. I have to admit I work better with positive attitudes than negative. Jessica Wesolek shared a post she wasn't sure she liked and I'm sure it was the negative tone of it. You can see it here and you'll see the difference.

  2. Sounds like a terrific experience that will keep benefitting you for months, maybe years to come. Can't wait to see how what you learned translates to success in your business!

  3. Hey Laure! I loved your post about the weekend - great wrap up!

    I got your email, and when I replied it bounced back to me. No such email address, or some nonsense like that.

    Do I have the wrong address? Or am I just jinxed? : )

    Wanting to keep in touch with you!

    : ) Nikki (Energy Painter!)

  4. Sounds like you have your days to gather your thoughts after the retreat... Go girl!

  5. Oh, this sounds great Laure, and maybe something I can use too. I glanced at her blog and I see that she has a video tutorial. I may look into that. Thanks so much and I will be looking forward to seeing what you do.

  6. You sound really super charged and ready for action. Bravo,Laure!

    Regards, Marie

  7. Sounds like it was a great learning experience. It will be wonderful to see how this moves you in new directions!

  8. Wonderful to read your positive energy. We should all take a moment and think about your post.

  9. It will be an inspiration to watch you grow!

  10. What a great time you had! I just stumbled across your blog from Kate's Corner. And i didn't want to leave without saying hi! Please do pop over for a visit! deb

  11. Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see what happens next!

  12. Sounds Dynamic! I've been following Christine's blog for a while now but have not had the opportunity to attend one of her workshops. Looking forward to seeing all that you have brought home with you.


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