
My Wish For You...

11:08 AM

This is still on the table, but it's just in time to wish you the very best of the season however you make celebrate.

It has been a fun year, made more so by each of you. While we may not have all met in person, you each are near and dear to me and I sometimes wonder where I'd be without you.

Lucky for me, I don't have to know the answer to that.

Wishing you and yours plenty of merry, sparkly and bright!

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9 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Right back at you, Laure. Your friendship has made my life merrier and brighter. Merry Christmas to you, Chris and the furry gang.

  2. Wishing you, Chris and your furry babies a peaceful time this Holiday Season. Thank you for being my friend, my mentor, my teacher and one of the wonderful parts of my life.
    Hugs (in person in January♥♥♥)

  3. Beautiful!.. Thank you and Merry Christmas...

  4. Fabulous piece! I would echo your sentiments...I've enjoyed getting to know you a bit through art and appreciate that connection. Merry Christmas!

  5. Dear Laure - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Looking forward to many more wonderful visits. Hugs.

  6. ... and may the new year be a wonderful one for you, Laure.

  7. And all the same to you. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you again next month.

  8. This is beautiful.. love the calilligraphy!! Wish you too a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  9. Beautiful wishes, Laure! I hope 2015 will be good for you too!


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