
Let the San Fran Adventure Begin!

10:15 AM

Our trip started out bright and dark on Tuesday, April 17th....dark as in before dawn. We made it to the airport before 6:30 and we managed to get through security without any issues—we were ready for take off!

We knew it would be a long day of travel so we came prepared with things to read, games to play, wraps to keep us warm, and something to munch in case we started getting hungry in-flight. Oh, and coffee.

Other than a slight delay in Dallas, our trip was uneventful....just the way we like them!

UPDATE: One of the kind blog readers has clued me into the fact that referring to the city by the bay as Frisco is considered a faux pas. My humblest apologies. No slight was intended in any way. It had more to do with artistic interpretation than language. 

Hello, California! Finally, we're here!

Whenever I do one of these scouting trips, I always think I'm going to have plenty of time and I might even get bored. Silly girl! Not likely with a town like San Francisco.

The sketch above and below of the cottage is one of two I managed to actually do on location.
This is a sketch I did of the front of the "cottage" we stayed in. The wisteria was blooming at the end of the deck and wind chimes were constantly chiming as the wind was constantly blowing. Kind of like living next door to church bells.

I won't bore you with the details of having to learn to use CA's transportation system, getting stuck in the terminal while trying to get out or of going up the wrong (STEEP) hill to our cottage that nearly (but not quite) did us in.
Instead, I'll tell you about our stroll around the neighborhood....if you can call that strolling. I'm not sure. It took far more effort to stroll there than it does here, that's for sure!

Anyway, three things became very evident in short order—dogs everywhere; beautiful, gorgeous things blooming everywhere and cut flowers were available at every corner market!

You'll be hearing and see more about all of these as the story continues.
Above is a sweet pup named Chip, a small 4-month-old puppy with fur like silk! We decided he must be the greeting committee...until we realized he was far more interested in a dog walking on the other side of the street than he was in us. Oh well, cuteness makes up for a lot.

On our last night in town, we actually got to meet Chip in person and he couldn't have been any sweeter if he'd tried. And he really was that small in that big glass window.

Next up...a lesson learned from stopping in front of street maps, a trip to Chinatown and Fisherman's Wharf!

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21 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Fabulous pages Laure!!! I feel like I was there :)
    Your lettering is the icing on already beautiful pages. Go girl!

    1. Thanks, Pam, I'm working on the lettering. It's slowly improving!

  2. Oh, what fun! I do miss San Francisco...and you've made it so alive...

  3. Sounds and looks absolutely fabulous!!!

  4. Wonderful. Love the map with the plane imposed on it. Love San Fran. Can't wait to see/read about Fisherman's W. and China Town. That cottage is just adorable.

    1. Thanks, Clare, I had more plans for the map, but time got away from me. It works.

  5. Sounds like a great research trip and you even made time for a few sketches! Love your journaling collage style on them.

    1. That's the tough part, Krista, I want to sketch, but really the focus of the trip is to get to as many places as possible to scout out places to sketch live as well as to gather photos. Guess I'll have to go back!!

  6. What a fun trip. I love San Fran. There is so much to see and do you never get bored. You did some fun and great sketches.. look forward to more.

    1. Thanks, Cris! It seems a lot of folks love this city.

  7. I love the sketches you've made for the journal!! Especially Chip and the flowers.

    I don't think I've ever seen you bored--there's always something to look at, sketch, talk about, take a picture of, eat or drink...

    1. Thanks, KJ, I'll take that as a compliment! If we ever got bored as children we had to do chores so maybe that's why you don't often see me bored. Whiny. But not bored.

  8. Love your sketches. That's such a cute doggy in the window and the cottage where you stayed looks wonderful. I am enjoying visiting via your Sketchbook.

    1. Chip was such a doll, Timaree! Too cute. I'm so glad you're enjoying the visit.

  9. You've really been busy out there touring and sketching too, WOW! I love the work you've done and so happy you're able to do something you've always wanted...to travel! Enjoy Ms. Laure.

  10. Great sketchbook! Wisteria and wind chimes sounds like a charming combination! Love the little pup peeking out!

  11. I'm loving these paintings and your story. The cottage looks charming and Chip is adorable. Looks like it's going to be a wonderful trip.

  12. Loving your posts about your trip to SF. I miss that place! Where was the cottage you stayed?

  13. Hey, Lisa, we stayed in Glen Park. We've found that if we stay out of the area we intend to visit/spend the most time in, we see more of the city.


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