
Splatter, Splotches and Fuzzy Brains

Oh, my. Splattered. Splotchy. Fuzzy thinking. Long periods of staring at nothing. That about sums up the last two weeks of my life. I seem to have missed that time of year....that transitional period between ending and beginning, as if time is paused, so I could get my new year off to a great start by laying out plans, goals and dreams. The...

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Baby, It's Cold Out......Not!

Let It Snow!Watercolor in Pineapple Sketchbook For those of you in much colder, snowier climates, please disregard this post and go about your blog reading elsewhere......because it's in the 80's. As in temperature. Outside. Yes, this is Florida. But it's the 22nd. Of December! Come on—it could at least be cooler! We're not in any danger of getting snow. Or cooler temperatures. Well,...

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Is It Hope....Or Stupidity.....

....that blooms eternal? Maybe both in my case! Watercolor and InkPineapple Sketchbook I noticed late on Saturday night as I was putting up the last of my snowmen, that most of them had on top hats and a good many of them had either a bird, a bird house, or a bird feeder with them or on them. I decided to capture one...

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A Place To Linger....(NOLA)

Place d'Armes HotelWatercolor and Ink Seldom have I stayed at a hotel where I wanted to linger, but this was the case with the Place d'Armes hotel! It is a property of 8 town homes built back in the 18th and 19th centuries, cobbled together around the most gorgeous courtyards you could ever want to sit in. The old bricks were the perfect...

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19 Years

Today is our 19th wedding anniversary! The photo was taken just before we left the reception. We've been talking a lot lately about what we knew, what we thought we knew and what we had no clue about back then (or today!). We both realize now that we had no idea what it took to make a marriage work, what it meant to...

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So Much To See...and Remember (NOLA)

UPDATED to include text from cemetery page at the bottom of post. Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 Watercolor and Ink Drawn on location Those raindrops I mentioned in the last NOLA post? Well, they were a little more serious come Wednesday morning. We walked to the street trolley and had to open our umbrellas about two books from our stop. By the time we...

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