
Daniel Smith's Having a Big Sale!!

4:23 PM

Daniel Smith is having a big sale—30% OFF your order, including sale items and outlet items! Good until midnight, September 6th! Please click the logo in the right column and use code WBTHSEPT.


Now, where's my list.....

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9 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Oh Laure, you bad person you! LOL!! I always have a few things on my wish list - I'll have to check this out.

  2. Didn't you see this little horns propping up the halo?!!

    Might as well get the items while they're on sale!

  3. Thanks for the update Laure. Will need some things for my class this fall. I don't suppose you have supply lists yet do you???

  4. Just sent it to you, Martha!!

    It will also be on the web site by the end of the week!

  5. Sheesh, I just made an order! I ordered your palette of colors (except somehow I forget the aqua teal blue) for my granddaughter. She'd been using some that were 10x worse than any kids toy paints and had Grumbacher as their name! Somehow I don't think ordering one tube is going to be worth it but I'll check. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Do they have those water brushes?
    How do you use this coupon?

  7. Maybe you could go in with someone else that's placing an order, Timaree. Then you wouldn't have to pay all the shipping. (And aren't you a wonderful grandmother! I can't say I"m a huge fan of Grumbacher either!)

    Cris, enter the web site from the logo over on the right of the blog......and either enter 266 112 012 in the search box at the top of the page. This is the same brush as the ones at Michaels under a different name.

    When you finish shopping and go to check out, there will be a place for you to enter a Promotional Code. Enter WBTHSEPT and then hit the Apply button and it will adjust the total. Then finish checking out! Let me know if I can help further. They also have other sizes and flat waterbrushes if you should be interested. I can also tell you they have great watercolor paint!

  8. Thanks! I need to order some new paint for the upcoming explorations class!

  9. Well, I couldn't resist Laure. I went through your button on the sidebar and ordered about $200 worth of watercolors. How do they add up so fast? I couldn't resist colors made from areas I've live such as Pipestone, MN; the red rocks of Sedona; Turquoise from Kingman and the Sleeping Beauty mines; the lapis azuli, my favorite stone and on and on. I did include the color I'd missed for my granddaughter's palette (I'm hoping her mom will sign her up for one of your fall classes) and I couldn't resist those Mayan colors. Now why did I buy all these when I have managed to make all my colors I've needed from the palette you gave us? The lure of color must be the reason - I just can never get enough color! I just hope the credit for you works right.


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