
Undergoing Metamorphosis...

11:46 AM

Please pardon the mess!

You may have noticed things look a little different today when you visited the blog—don't worry, you're still in the right place.

Things are a bit messy at the moment as this transformation business takes a whole lot of mess-making before it starts to look like something recognizable...which isn't too different from the process of creating a piece of artwork!

The rebuild of Painted Thoughts Blog has been long overdue (far more than I realized!) and the change became necessary as technology stands still for no one. We must either change with it or get left behind.

As with all transformations, things will continue to shift and move about the blog for a bit as I figure out the in's and out's of the new technology.

Meanwhile, feel free to poke about and explore...there's no telling what you're likely to find. Just be careful—I'd hate for you to get paint on you!

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8 Creative Thought(s)

  1. What did I tell you? This IS your year! The blog looks great! Love it!

    1. Thanks! Right now, it just feels messy, like crazy-I-don't-know-if-I-can-salvage-this-messy, but I've been here before, and I've learned I just have to keep pushing through. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. It's already showing promise! Can't wait to see it unfold!

  3. I love the new look! Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

  4. well I absolutely LOVE the change in your blog, especially the header. I always loved your other header with the paint brush and bird but this is stunning. So stunning you're making me think of changing my blog (I didn't think THAT feeling would ever happen!) But this looks so great it makes me think I can make a compilation that connotes the "water" part of my blog name. I'll have to keep thinking but thanks for the inspiration. Good luck with more changes, you go girl!!

    1. Thank you so much! I liked my old blog look too, but I've tinkering with the back end of my blog since forever, and it had become problematic to make simple changes. So, in for a penny, in for a pound!

      If you want to change things up at your blog, I can only say do a LOT of research on the template you may change to and test it out first...it will likely save your sanity!

  5. Laure - fantastic metamorphosis. Love the clean crisp look you have achieved. Will enjoy poking around and seeing all your new stuff. Hugs!


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