
Pack Your Bags, It's Time To Get Going!!

9:24 AM

Oh, my goodness, I have so much to tell you! I've been quiet these last few months as I've been working on opportunities and I finally get to share all the joy with you! To cut down on confusion, I'm going to go in date order so I'm sure to cover all the yummy goodness coming up. You can bet I'll be sharing more in the weeks to come!

December 3, 2016

Festive Starfish Designs
Keeton's Office & Art Supplies
Bradenton, Florida
December 3
9 am - 12:30 pm
Cost: $35
Please call 941.747.2995 to register

These festive starfish can be arranged in a number of ways including a ball, a swirl, and a wreath, just to name a few! I know I haven't been able to stop at just one because this idea opens up so many possibilities.

This dimensional project combines scrapbooking paper, extra watercolor paper, salt, glue and a little bling! It's just another way we can make our journals come alive.

March 9-10, 2017
Painting Postcards In The Gardens Workshop
Sarasota, Florida
2-Day Workshop (March 9-10, 2017)
9 am - 3 pm
Cost: $215
Please click HERE to learn more and to register for the workshop. Registration is now open!

Selby Gardens is a lush, tropical playground and it's a perfect location to learn how fun Art Journaling can be! We'll work together to create a series of postcards of colorful sketches that can shared with friends and family, near and far. 

This class is open to all levels and will introduce various approaches to sketching and art journaling. Basic drawing skills, laying out a page or postcard, learning to observe,  adding interest with borders, background color blocks and such will also be covered. 

Weather permitting, our time divided between the classroom and working out in the gardens enjoying the sunshine! 

As a side note...I will be teaching an Art Journaling class at Keeton's Office & Art Supply in Bradenton, Florida on Saturday, March 11th. Keeton's is just a few miles north of Sarasota and the class will run from 9 to 12:30. If you would like to join this class, please click here. I will make the class information available as soon as possible! 

The recommended supply list can be found here

April 21, 2017

Advanced Painting Postcards In The Gardens Class
Sarasota, Florida
Friday, April 21, 2017; 9 am -12 pm
Cost: $65
Please click HERE to learn more and to register for the workshop. Registration is now open! 

We will continue to work together to create a series of postcards of colorful sketches that can shared with friends and family, near and far. 

This class is open to all levels and will quickly introduce various approaches to sketching and art journaling. Basic drawing skills, laying out a page or postcard, learning to observe,  adding interest with borders, background color blocks and such will also be briefly covered. 

Weather permitting, our time will mostly be spent working out in the gardens enjoying the sunshine with a brief beginning and closing session in the classroom.

The recommended supply list can be found here.

August 14-20, 2017
An Imaginary Trip Made Real To England 2017! Workshop
Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
Monday - Saturday, August 14-20, 2017
Please Click Here For Tour Details and To Register 

All aboard for a fabulous trip to the Cotswolds and in particular, Stratford-Upon-Avon, home of William Shakespeare! English cottages, impressive palaces, afternoon tea, rolling meadows, meandering canals, cobblestone streets...need I say more?!

I am so very, very pleased to be partnering with The Blue Walk to provide this travel workshop to you. You may have heard of the Blue Walk before as they have hosted a number of Art Walks with artists like Leslie Fehling and Jane LaFazio, to name a few. They get and understand the need to slow down and really see rather than look and go. Needless to say, we'll be in very good hands!

There will be many impromptu, on-location demos provided throughout the day, depending on our day's activities as well as some advance instruction because I am a strong believer in a-n-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-o-n and it makes the trip begin way before we ever step foot into the English Countryside! 

Once we return, there will be a little more info sent out to help keep you on track to finish your sketchbook and to add in a few memory sketches as well as any ephemera you may have picked up in your travels. 

Does seven days wandering the English town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, time spent with likeminded folks with the opportunity to indulge your love of art and sketching, sound like your idea of a great trip?!

If so, click here to sign up and join me!

I am in the process of creating the schedule for 2017 for the online classes we will visit via virtual reality. If there's somewhere you'd like to visit, please share the location in the comments. I'd love to know where you want to go. 

Whew! That's a lot and I am sooooooooooo excited to share all these fabulous upcoming opportunities with you. I hope there will a date (or seven) where we can connect and spend some time together making art and happy memories!

As always, please let me know of any questions you have!

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10 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Wow Ms. Laurie that's awesome! You have been one truly busy lady! I bet you're excited! Your schedule makes me wish I were an artist too! Congratulations lady on the successful results of hard work! Now it's time for you to take a big deep breath and let it all sink in! You're very hard worker and great at what you do! Those artists who follow and join you will be well rewarded!

    1. **blush** Thank you for the kind words. It's been a busy fall and yes, I am so looking forward to all these opportunities coming up.

  2. Whoa....WOW! You have been busy and you've had some exciting secrets up your sleeve. These different artistic opportunities all sound wonderful. I hope I can participate in some of it. Your creativity and energy inspires me! Congratulations on all of these new offerings.

  3. I am so excited for you Laure! I wish I was joining you next year, but I'm probably not going to be able to. But hopefully you'll do England again.

    1. Cheryl, I thank you for being the one that set the ball in motion and helping to make this happen! Soooo wish you could come and play too.

  4. Wow Laure looks like you have a full schedule coming up. Hope you find some time to enjoy the holidays. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs!

  5. These trips sound wonderful and I so-o-o wish I could join you!


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