
An Added Sparkle!

10:08 AM

I don't know about you, but I needed a little extra sparkle in my life today...so run your mouse around on the page and watch the faerie dust fall from your mouse!

Sooooo much fun and a totally time drain, but it still brings a smile to my face! Happy day to you!

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7 Creative Thought(s)

  1. I'm using my Ipad so it doesn't work but the thought is great. Where can I put a little sparkle today? Hmmmm....

  2. Love it, where can I find it to put on my blog.

    1. Hi, Barbar, I found the directions here: http://www.mf2fm.com/rv/dhtmltinkerbell.php. You have to edit the HTML on your blog, but it's really not hard. Good luck.

  3. I'm memorizei! So simple but all too much fun.

  4. Dear Laure thank you for the sparkle. Your festive header is wonderful too. Have a great week.


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