
Honey, I'm Home From The Beach!!

11:18 AM

Feet and Books from Winter Interrupted
Wow, what can I say?! What fun we had at the beach!

Eight of us spent five glorious days sketching all up and down St. Pete Beach and into Clearwater at Winter Interrupted: An Artist's Beach Sketching Holiday. We sketched everything from giraffes to old gardens to ocean critters to fish shacks!
We spent the day sketching, eating and shopping at John's Pass
It was fun hearing everyone report the weather conditions "back home" each morning as we gathered for the days outing. There was only one day it was warmer in another location pass the Mason Dixon line than it was where we were at the beach even though some of our day's started out kind of chilly!

Imaginary Trips Made Real is the natural extension of the ImaginaryTrips.com online classes. We  put the skills we've learned online into action at fabulous live locations like the beach. But I gotta tell you, the location is secondary.
An afternoon spent in another beach town sketching, shopping, laughing and talking
It is the camaraderie that comes alive on these trips and weaves itself in and around a group of like-minded artists to creates magic: colors are more colorful; the air is a little brighter; the fun a little funner and makes the moment all the sweeter that is most important.

It is positive-uplifting-battery-charging magic that's even better than therapy! Imagine spending a week with people who understand when you come to a dead stop in your conversation as well as the street to take a photo of some adirondack chairs with parrots painted on the back or when you pull out your sketchbook at lunch instead of eating your meal. No explanations were necessary.
We saw adirondack chairs with parrots, flip-flops and ice-cream cones for the back boards!
We shared about ourselves, our lives, our families, and the challenges that we face in that other life we left at home. We laughed until our cheeks hurt and we talked late into the evening more often than not.
Three of the intrepid sketchers braving the chilly winds come in off the Gulf of Mexico
We ogled each others supplies and kits and made notes on where to get those special pens or fabulous palettes.
Yummy, messy, juicy color!
Art and Imaginary Trips Made Real is not just about the pages we fill or the places we visit or the things we learn. It is about the entire experience and maybe most important, about the connections we make to others and I can hardly wait to do it again!
Wave Demo Page
In fact, I'm already looking into the next adventure—I hope you can join us!!

Where would you like to go on a sketching holiday?

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10 Creative Thought(s)

  1. I am envious. I would love to do one of your real trips. :) It looks like you all had a great time.

  2. I enjoyed reading about your real trip, and I would have loved to see your wave demo. That's something I want to learn how to do. Your enthusiasm for the whole experience was infectious and makes me want to go on a sketching holiday someday--but I would also love to take one of your online imaginary trips classes. It appears that two are available, but when I click on them, it says they are already underway? I hope you have another planned for 2015!

    1. I am currently working on the schedule and will have it posted either this weekend or first of next week. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sounds like you all had a great time! The pictures here all look wonderful.I don't know when or if I'll ever be able to join in; my husband says when he dies I can take any trip I want. Well, that could be in like, forever! In the meantime, I find the non-live trips fun.

    1. Oh, it was a lot of fun, Timaree! Yes, one of these days, we'll connect. Don't know when, but it will happen!

  4. Yes. I would love a live trip on our florida beaches

    1. Hi, Robbie, what part of the state do you live in?


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