
Got It Covered!

9:10 AM

I have been on a kick the last few weeks to finalize several projects that have been languishing in my studio. I'm hoping this kick will continue until at least the end of the year. 
My NOLA Live! Journal has been moved, shuffled, and piled, ignored, dropped, lost misplaced and then found rediscovered, but it still laid unfinished until this weekend.
I don't even want to tell you how many times I moved the darn thing rather than just going ahead and finishing!

It probably took that long because of the need to find the mat cutter, cut the board down, come up with an idea, paint it, unearth my binding machine in the very back, bottom corner under a stack of heavy boxes and finally do the binding and finish up the final touches on the cover.
Am I thrilled to have this done!?! YES! But talk about going from to Orlando from Tampa via Omaha?! Good grief! Since this is a Stillman & Birn sketchbook, I could have just as easily used with the original covers and glued a piece of watercolor paper onto the front and been done—months ago.
Still, I'm thrilled to have it done. The photos don't begin to do it justice as there are a lot of subtle color changes and details that are not visible. I deliberately left the title dateless as I've decided to put the second NOLA trip (November 2013) in the second half of this journal.

I still need to create a title page and a list of all the wonderful artists who joined me. Then, I think I'm done. Until November!

The cover was created using watercolor, acrylic ink a stamp, and a stencil. The title block is a separate piece of watercolor with hand lettering that's been glued down to the cover for added dimension.

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13 Creative Thought(s)

  1. I love the cover especially the NOLA 'plate'. Thanks for sharing your story about finishing the first stage. My travel plans to China are being pussed back to early October so hopefully I'll be able to tag along to NO with you this trip.

    1. Yay!!! I hope you can make it, Clare! It will be sooo fun!

  2. well at least you got it finished before the start of a new year; one thing I need to achieve is sorting out what had been a craft room and has languished in a dishevelled state through lack of motivation/inspiration for the past two years ..you did well and your journal cover is fantastic Laure'

    1. Well.....unfortunately, my studio is in quite a disheveled state too, Carole! That's one of the ongoing projects. I've got to get it cleaned up so that I can stand to stay in there for more than five minutes at a time!

  3. Very cool! And I to know a little bit about how it feels when you complete a long term project...the proverbial weight is lifted!!

  4. Doesn't it make you feel so accomplished to finish a project. Love the look of it. Would love to see the inside too.

    1. Yes, it does, Lisa, until I look at the ever growing pile of things still to be finished. I may try to put together a slide show of all the pages. We'll see!

  5. Really beautiful,Laure. And perhaps I need to start saving - November 2013?

    1. Oh, Monique!! You'd come? Seriously?!! Yes, November 2013, probably the 3rd through the 7th, but that is not yet confirmed.

      Hope you can come!

  6. It turned out really nice. Don't you hate it when you put something off forever and its so lovely, as this is, when done? Well I know that feeling to well. Almost makes me want to bind a book..notice I said..ALMOST..because I know it would never get done. lol

  7. Congratulations on finishing your NOLALive! journal!! What a fabulous adventure and you have created a very interesting cover for your journal. I love the use of the diamond shapes and fleur de lei. I sure developed a fondness for the fleur de lei shapes during our trip. I'm picturing you with your completed journal -- all full with wonderful images of our adventure. What a treasure that you've completed!!! Congrats again!!!


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