
Baby, It's Cold Out......Not!

1:12 PM

Let It Snow!
Watercolor in Pineapple Sketchbook
For those of you in much colder, snowier climates, please disregard this post and go about your blog reading elsewhere......because it's in the 80's. As in temperature. Outside.

Yes, this is Florida.

But it's the 22nd. Of December! Come on—it could at least be cooler!

We're not in any danger of getting snow. Or cooler temperatures. Well, not until the day after Christmas.

Then it's suppose to cool off to the 70's.

It makes it a little difficult to get into the spirit of things.....like snowmen.....when it's 85º out.

I suppose this is a blessing I'm not yet seeing.

BTW, do you see the second face in the image above?!

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15 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Really cute painting and yes, I do see the second face, but I won't give it away.
    80's! That's just too hot for Christmas. We are 45 and that's a good temperature. No snow here either, yippie!

  2. Good imagination to conjure that snowman in such heat! (Yup on the second face! Fun!). Eighteen inches of snow here (Colorado) since last night. We were living in a snow globe today.

  3. Very, very cute snowman. Yes I do see the 2nd face. Clever! I'll add to the weather report. West MI...Cold, dreary, 39 and no snow expected until after the New Year.

  4. Sigh. I hear you. We'll have to crank the AC in order to have a fire on Christmas!

  5. I had to go back and look a second time..... finally found him! Your snowman is wonderful .... but your weather sure isn't! No snow here -- there seldom is, but we are waltzing into winter without enough snow in the mountains. It might be the driest Dec since 1930!

  6. ...I'll join in too with a weather report. We haven't even needed coats! 60 degrees and rain. Crazy. Last year we already had 6+ inches of snow on the ground. (He's a cutie...and a great Christmas card. I see that second smiley face too.)

  7. Hi Laure! Chilly here in Southern CA (45oF) with no snow or rain in sight. I always found it interesting that Christmas is associated with snow when most of the world that celebrates Christmas doesn't have snow! I found a profile of a face but what I want to know about is the brush on top. What kind of brush is that? Justine

  8. Your temps sound just about right, Kate, Happy Christmas!

    Wow, Susan! You guys are really getting hammered. Stay warm!

    No snow in MI?! Wow! Such an odd winter. Merry Christmas, Clare!

    KJ, you're too funny!

    Thanks, Kelly, you guys are always having bitter cold—what's going on?!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    Justine, I think it's what we're used to where we grew up and of course, the marketing of Christmas. The brush is made by Sennelier and is called a squirrel mop. It doesn't/didn't have a size on it. I sharpened the end so that I could use it to score the paper, etc., when I'm out on location and so it would fit in my paint box. It holds a ton of water and makes it easy to get the large washes in easily and quickly. It also comes to a pretty good point, but the brush has little form to it so it can be quite tricky painting with it.

    Merry Christmas, Justine!

  9. What a cute little guy with personality!! Its been pretty cold lately, but no snow here in California, so it is extra fun to see your painted one. I spotted the second face - very clever! or was it a 'happy accident'?

    Also, how did you do the overall snow effect? It looks like it is snowing.

    Merry Christmas!!

  10. Catching up. This page just sings with delight!

  11. Just love that snowman!!! Here in Northern Michigan we just have a dusting, but it is cold.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  12. Merry Christmas, Laure (on the day after)!!! I'm just a tad slow, eh? I remembered you were in Florida, but for the life of me...I want to think the west coast...am I right? Clearwater??? I am in Palm Beach...same thing here...WARMMMMM. We were so happy a month ago while at Mickeys Very Magical Christmas Party, and it started "snowing" on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom,...it was actually about 55 degrees! It felt so wonderful and actually brought a small tear to our eyes. It is so nice when we can at least get down to 60, isn't it??? But then we sure don't have to deal with snow...a true blessing indeed! Thanks for your sweet comment re: loss of our cat friend, Taco. He was so neat, and I really miss him. God bless you, Laure! See you around...xoxo, Julie

  13. P.S. I cannot find the second face to save my soul!!! :(

  14. We are vacationing in Sarasota and I'm loving the weather. At home it was 29 degrees for a high, and chance of flurries. Instead here we had 80 degrees, beautiful sun, and a gorgeous day. I'm not complaining!!!

    hope you had a lovely Christmas

  15. Hi Laure' By now you may have had some snow I hope. I look forward to snowy pics on your blog some time soon. Loved your snowman!


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