
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A New Medium - Gouache

Let me start this post out with a big thanks for all the kind comments and thoughts on the previous post with regard to my total backslide into deep water filled with piranhas (also known as insecurites)—your words meant the world to me! I have begun sketching on some of the wedding photos again, but so far, have not completed anything. I'll post when/if I get something together. Thanks also for the compliments of the wedding and for the well wishes for the lovely couple!

M. Graham Gouache and Copic Marker
on recovered paper
The sunflower above is gouache and Copic marker. It's the first time since art school that I've done a complete painting with gouache. I remember why too. As much as I love the effects you can get with the opacity of gouache, I absolutely LOVE seeing the transparency of watercolors more!

This is done on a piece of paper I salvage from the retreat package I received at Christine Kane's event last month. Hard to believe it's been a month already!

As for gouache, I think there's room in my world for this medium, I just don't think I'll be doing to many full paintings with it. This went quickly. It was complete in just one evening and it was fun to change gears from my usual medium to the gouache.

I love the creamy consistency of the M. Graham watercolors as well as the ability to mix just about any color you want from just the triad. The sunflower was painted with Hansa Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Ultramarine Blue and white.

If nothing else, switching to a new/different medium helps to remind you what it is that you love about your "regular" medium. For me, it usually knocks a little rust and sediment out of the crevices as well. Primes the pump for further adventures and creative pursuits.

Not sure what I'll try painting next, but I do want to play with the gouache a little more to see where it may be useful to me.

What new or different mediums have you tried lately?


  1. A stunning, happy sunflower! The splatters are the icing on this lovely piece. I just bought some M.Graham gouache as my very full tubes of Windsor Newton gouache from way back in the 70's had dried up :) But, I'm with you... love transparent pigments!

  2. Your sunflower is just beautiful! I just started a 75 day drawing challenge in pen only, so I guess that's my new medium. I think it will be REALLY good for me. I only started about 5 days ago, but I know that drawing every single day will be very helpful. I'll be posting some of my drawings soon.

  3. Hi Laure,

    This is a very nice sunflower even if it wasn't done with transparent watercolor.

    I've been working with watersoluble oil pastels (Neocolor II) with my grandgirls. We've been painting over a watercolor background and we've had a ton of fun.


  4. Thanks, Pam! Stay safe with that storm barreling up the coast!

    Thank you, Cheryl! Love that you're doing the ink challenge—you'll be ready for NOLA Live! in no time!

    Thank you, Vicki, I bet playing with the grandgirls is a blast! So glad you're encouraging their creativity while they're still young.

  5. enjoyed your happy sunflower. I can understand your love of watercolours though and you work them like magic. Nice to experiment every now and then. Yellow is such an uplifting colour isn't it? I have some daffodils indoors at this moment.

  6. Laure, I don't know the first thing about sketching, watercolors etc (except what I did in school as a little girl...does that count?) All I know is I love watching what you create here on your blog, some of your pieces like this one are amazing!

  7. I have really been off mark so to speak. I have been making sketchbooks and reading. I love your gouache painting. I have often thought of trying these paints.

  8. Beautiful. I've never tried gouache, but I love the transparency of watercolors, too, not to mention the challenge of getting them to do (sort of) what you want them to do!

  9. I like gouache for it's poster paint-like look. They are definitely different and I need to play with them more to see just what I can do with them but boy, that watercolor sure does have a siren lure to it over the gouache.

    I'm not using a new medium but trying to do the 30 self-portraits I started at the beginning of the month. I look so different in each one and not good in any! Ah well, I am doing them in different mediums and learning practice is a good thing and I need plenty more! At this rate, art will never get boring.

    I am glad you are going to work on the wedding picture. Hey, maybe 30 of them will help! Just kidding.

  10. It's great how doing something a little out of the ordinary shakes awake something new. I like that painting. It feels alive.

  11. I find it hard to believe that you, like me, are basically insecure too, Laure. You come across so perfectly in tune with your art and so very grounded. I guess deep down we're all the same.

    That is the sweetest sunflower painting. I think its healthy to try new media and techniques.

    As you know, my journey is through pen and wash and also colour pencils,but I tried oils and hated how it dictated rules. Having returned to acrylics I'm now truly finding my voice as an artist so it was a road well travelled!

  12. I'm afraid that lately I've been stuck in my same-old-same-old routine. I do love transparent watercolors, but admire what others do with gouache - especially your vibrant sunflower - it leaps off the page! I need this nudge to step out of my comfort zone...


Let's talk!