
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time for a Change!

I'm in the mood for hearts! Can you tell?! The new blog header was inspired by a necklace I purchased on my recent trip to NOLA—it's made up of all kinds of hearts, both brass and glass. These are the same chickadees that were in the last header with the letters strung across between them. I painted the hearts in watercolor on a separate piece of paper. Then digitally, I added them to the "rope" between the birds!

Hope you like them!


  1. So cute! The hearts remind me of paper dolls cut from one sheet of paper.

  2. That is just too darn cute...Definatly LIKE Them!
    Many Blessings,Deborah

  3. For a Florida girl you sure do like snow.Want me to send you some? LOL

  4. Those hearts look so fun. I love all the color!!!

  5. Those little Chickadees sure do get around. I can't wait to see what spring will bring!

  6. I like them a lot - I think it makes a fabulous header. Isn't chickadee a cute name for a bird - it's just so right!

  7. I love 'em! Such cheerful, colorful hearts.

  8. That is so cute! I haven't figured out how to do things digitally like that yet.

  9. what happy, cheery hearts! ,,, and great computer skills.

  10. Thanks, Kj!

    Thank you, Deborah!

    No, Toni, don't believe I'd want any snow in Florida—it's wild enough around here when it rains!

    Thanks, Kelly!

    Thank you, Cris!

    Thanks, Teri!

    Thank you, Cheryl!

    They're busy birds, Jacqueline! I'm interested to see what spring going to bring too! Right now, I have no idea.

    Gillian, I'm not sure if I like wren or chickadees better—they're both adorable!

    Thanks, Teresa!

    Hi, Holly, thank you! Working in the design industry for nearly 20 years pays off in unexpected ways!

    Thank you, Elva, hope your shoulder is better!

  11. What a fun and lively combination here. Also - that necklace sound like it would be a lot of fun to wear.

  12. It is the season for hearts. I am beginning to see them everywhere. I like your chickadees holding hearts. Our chickadees are holding sunflower seeds.

  13. Thanks, Claire, the necklace is a lot of fun!

    Smart chickadees, Lisa, to be holding sunflower seeds where you live! It's cold!

  14. Your header is terrific. It's a lot of work to use PS but your results are like magic!

  15. Wonderful! Great digital edit, too! Pardon my brain fade but I can't remember if I've told you how much I love the title of your blog. It's a perfect fit for what you do. Bravo!


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