
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh! The Things That You See!

Memory Sketch of the Loooong Toenails
As an artist, if you observe well, you will be amazed at what you see. You may also be amazed at what your brain finds fascinating and will NOT leave alone even though there's no good reason to dwell on it!

The foot above is a memory sketch of a young woman's foot from the restaurant where I had lunch yesterday. The memory sketch is not the best, but it captured my fascination with her toenails—French manicure and all! Now, this is Florida and we wear sandals almost all year round so seeing toenails painted in exotic colors and with elaborate detail is not unusual.

What was unusual was the length of her toenails. They must have extended at least a quarter of an inch (6mm) PAST the end of her toes!!! They looked far more like fingernails than toenails and I found myself totally captivated.

As I traveled through the rest of the day, my thoughts kept returning to her toes. I had questions. Many questions, but since she was a complete stranger to me, I don't think she would have appreciated me showing up tableside to ask her.

I wanted to know if she had trouble wearing closed toed shoes, did she ever wear close toed shoes and how long did it take to grow toenails that long?! Did she have trouble with them breaking or with ingrown toenails? Yes, vulgar, I know, but I did wonder.
Too-late-to-be-sketching-at-night sketch
of my own foot
Still thinking about those toenails at 11:00 last night, I decided to sketch my own foot, giving myself really long toenails. And before you ask, no my foot is not that misshaped. This is what comes of sketching too late at night rather than going to bed after a long day! Unfortunately, it did nothing to resolve my questions or curiosity.

AND because I was so totally fascinated with the long toenails, I just had to share as I knew you'd want to know too!! ;•)  

P.S. When Chris observed the scans of the two sketches, he remarked that it "appeared" as if the feet were actually stomping on the paper because of the wrinkles from the water and the way the paper dried!


  1. Too funny. Now that you mention it, I agree with Chris.

    I don't know if I've ever seen anyone with long toenails like that. That's hilarious. Sketch on. (I, for one, am in knee-high boots today, toes all-closed-in from the cold, here in NC.)

  2. My toenails are that misshapen. But no long nails. I have found that since I am older that my nails and toenails grow faster and much harder. When I wanted long nails, they would bend all the way over, now have to cut them with clippers.

  3. are killing me! So funny...
    My girlfriend has those super-long toenails (that she paints blue). I've had some of your same thoughts, but never asked her the questions!

  4. Great sketches!!!! Oh my gosh... this is hilarious! Living in Southern California we too wear sandals year round. Heck, it was over 80° here this week and a professional pedicure is something I always have. I have seen those long toenails before and also wondered those same questions. What is that all about...????

  5. I know a couple of people that do this to their toes. The one lady walks for exercise and wears the appropriate shoes. She says her toenails don't bother her. I think it is weird looking but neat and tidy. I wouldn't do it myself. My poor toes are weird enough as it is.

  6. Hmmmmm interesting observation! I've drawn my hands before but never my feet!

  7. Mine can get long and hang over if I don't watch it... they grow so fast & are hard to cut, but man it hurts in closed in shoes with socks on. Funny post.

  8. Well, this is a truly strange blog post! :) I must say, I have never considered people's feet as works of art but perhaps I should study them more. I, too, wonder how she wore regular shoes; maybe she never does.
    I want to tell you how cute your little chickadees and hearts are. Just adorable.

  9. !!!! There's just no accounting for what will catch an artist's eye, is there? I'm wondering if she punches holes in her socks (if she ever wears socks?).

  10. Your husband is right; it does look like feet are applying pressure to the page! What fun pages. Who knows, it could be the latest style. Since I don't even have fingernails, I am certainly not going to grow toenails!

  11. Oh so funny - you really made me chuckle.

  12. I've actually seen what happens to uncut toenails in snug shoes ... the toenail actually curves around the front of the toe. Mine would too if I didn't trim them ...

  13. Oh, Laure, Laure... only you!


    Got such a laugh out of this one.

  14. Too funny!! Great observation by Chris, too!


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