
Thursday, July 09, 2009

Please Join Me . . . .

. . . . in wishing my lovely husband, Chris, a very, very

Happy and Wonderful Birthday!!!

I'm not going to share any of the details as it might backfire on me, but he and I are the same age and will be for the next few months!


  1. Tee hee, now don't be to cruel to him. Happy Birthday Cris. I hope you have a great day. I also hope you react well to being the elder of the family for a few months.

  2. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you -oooo-oooo
    Happy birthday to you! (chris)

  3. Happy birthday to Chris. Hmm, I wonder what Laure's is giving you for your birthday besides all these 'happy birthday wishes'.

  4. Happy Birthday Chris! May all your birthday wishes come true. I am sure Laure worked her magic to make certain this was a special day. From what is posted on this blog, we the readers know that you are a fabulous fellow and a great supporter of your artistic wife. So kuddos to you! :-) Again, Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Please wish your husband a wonderful birthday!!

  6. Happy Birthday to him! :)
    thank you for your kind words you left on my blog, it really means a lot!

  7. I hope he had a wonderful day! You always talk so glowingly of him, I'm sure he's a great guy!

  8. Hope you have a nice dinner tonight! (As for my husband, sometimes I think he's actually catching up to me...)

  9. Thanks, everyone, for Chris' birthday wishes! He doesn't look any older! ;•)

    Looks like we're going to continue the celebration throughout the weekend.

    Hope you have a marvelous weekend as well!


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