
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

One Step Forward . . . .

Rosebud WIP
© Laure Ferlita

I have been having the best fun today! I've been playing in the land of HTML and Blog! They are absolutely fascinating places with lots of nooks and crannies to explore and become lost in! The lovely Susie of 1stFloorFlat posted a tutorial about favicons on her Computery page. What's a favicon you ask? See that cute little ladybug up in the address bar? That's a favicon! I replaced the "b" from blogger!

Well, one thing lead to another, and then another and the next thing you know - changes galore! Not all of them apparent yet, but they're coming. And talk about getting into a zone! I was in front of the computer from 9:00 this morning until about 3:00 this afternoon! Where did the time go?!! The hours flew by! But I have a small confession to make - as enjoyable as the day was, it was an exercise in procrastination.

You see, I am trying to put together some painting videos and today was the day! Today was the first day I was actually going to videotape myself painting, and, well, ummm, I guess you could say I was just a little bit nervous about it! It took until about 5:00 this afternoon before I got around to it and then, wouldn't you know - I LOVED it! I was having a ball!!

I had intended to post a piece of the video today because I was painting the rosebud you see at the top of this post, only to find out that I can't edit the file because it's incompatible with my editing software! Arrrrrgggghhhhhhhh! I go back to Apple for one of my training sessions tomorrow - bet they can solve my dilemma! Until then, we'll stick with scans.


  1. I will look forward to seeing you in action. I have watched some oil painters online but never a watercolorist.

  2. Oh for pete's sake where in the world have I been!! I just spent the last 15 minutes getting caught up on you, smiling and giggling over your comments and observations.

    I am waiting for that video so I can see how you paint all these wonderful things!!!

    I was happy to hear you have a Mac as I want to get one next year.

  3. Cool!! I can't wait to see your video!!

  4. Can't wait to see your video and new changes for your blog! Glad you had fun.

  5. Oh, I thought I'd left a comment, but I guess I didn't! Your petals on this flower are luminous. I would love to see a video, so I hope you figure it out! that'd be great!!

  6. WOW!! Your new header really pops! Good job!

  7. LOVE the favicon - the ladybird is perfect! And I'm most intrigued to see the video when you get it up!


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