
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Christmas Card Tutorial From!!

Back in 2011, I did a "Christmas In July" eClass in the hopes that I'd be ready for the holidays before December 23rd…it didn't work. All I can say is that I had my cards ready!

I've decided to share how I painted a cat face for my Christmas card from that class as a thank you to the many wonderful artists that have passed through as well as for those of you who may wonder about the class set up and what's included in a trip.

Below is the video demonstration and pdf handout from the class. Obviously, we don't have a private class blog to post our work to, but I think this gives you an idea of what the classes are like.

This could be used any time you wanted to paint a cat face (rather than just during the holidays) and there are ideas at the end of the video on how to make this even more Christmasy.

I hope you will find time during this crazy-busy time of year to add or keep some art in your life. I know for me, art helps to ground me when things get absolutely nutty.

Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

Merry Christmas!

The assignment can be found here. 

*Below, are a few technical details that might not have been covered in the video:

  • I am working on Arches 140 lb. CP paper torn down to 5.5 x 7.5 inches. 
  • The supply list can be found here though you do not have to use my palette to create this type of image. 
  • Uniball Signo white pens still remain the best on the market two years later! Google the name to find a supplier. 
  • The tracing paper is generic in brand and any will do. 
  • You can click on the four arrow icon at the bottom of the video, on the right, to enlarge the video to a full screen.
  • The type was added after the image was scanned.


  1. Thank you Laure! This is a treat. I love animals and they do such nice chrismas cards.

  2. Laure - this tutorial was wonderful...loved it and so happy to see how you went about adding Christmas accessories to the pets as well. Thank you so much with your generous teaching. Have a great day.

  3. Thank you so much Laure. Have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday Season. Let me know when you are offering classes again. And, one of your kitties looks just like my youngest kittie. Sharon

  4. You are so creative. Loved the video. What an inspiration. Meow... (thank you)

  5. What a nice surprise and generous gift from you!!! I look forward to working with the lesson during some of my vacation time for the holidays. You are full of surprises!! ;-)

    P.S. I really like your new festive holiday banner on the blog. Happy Holidays to you!

  6. Thank you so much for another wonderful gift, Laure! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, creative 2014.

  7. This is so cool, Laure. I love that you posted a tutorial. Thank you! I can't wait to take another of your classes.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this Christmas treat. I've missed watching you paint and your classes. Can't wait to get in another class. Wishing you and your family, both human and furry, the best holiday season and New Year possible.


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