
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Slowing Down...

Pieces of Autumn
Watercolor in Handmade Journal
7 x 7 inches
Pausing just a few minutes as we get ready for Thanksgiving (here in America) to post an old sketchbook page that shows some of my very favorite "pieces of Autumn."

I've been sharing over on Facebook some of the things I am most grateful for and I'm posting just a quick list that is by no means exhaustive but is from the heart:

My sweet husband
The (nearly) 21 years we've been married
Our home
The loving, furry critters that make our house a home
The love that fills our days
Food, heating, cooling and roofs that don't leak
Family close by
Friends, scattered near and far
Cars that run
Gas to make them go
The wind singing in the trees
Colorful leaves
Time to sketch and paint
Work that feeds me on so many, many levels
For all the wonderful artists that have passed through the eclasses

And you, dear readers! Thanks for stopping by to see what's up, to share your thoughts, encouragement and inspiration.

Whether you're sitting down to a big meal with family to observe the holiday or just going out your daily round, I wish you happiness, love, and joy!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. wish you all the best:) you are huge inspiration, laure!

  2. best wishes to you Laure' and your list of gratitude is a good one. Your beautiful page of autumn leaves is also .... beautiful

  3. Same to you, dear friend! Hope the Ferlita household has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. Thank you Laure. Wishing you the very best this Thanksgiving season.

  5. Thank you so much. I hope you and yours have a great day too. So much to be thankful for here.

  6. And a very happy thanksgiving to you to dear Laure!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Laure! The turkey is in the oven now, and all forms of delicious-ness are seeping through the house. Mmmm...
    All the best to you, your hubby, your kitties, and your family!

    1. Hope it was fabulous for you and your family, Kelly! We need to catch up!

  8. p.s. I love those leaf paintings. That would make such a beautiful Thanksgiving Day card.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! We had our kids come for dinner although our daughter was quite late since they had to wait for their daughter to be discharged from the hospital after jaw surgery on Wednesday.

    Your painted items look great. I especially love the curled over leaf!

    1. Oh, that sounds like a full house! Hope all is well after the surgery (which doesn't seem like a good idea at Thanksgiving—she won't be able to eat!).


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