
Friday, May 04, 2012

Heads Up on Daniel Smith Savings!!

Just wanted to let you know that I've received word that Daniel Smith is ending their Affiliates Program. That means that sweet 20% off that you get when you click on the Daniel Smith ad over on the right side bar is going away!!

If you've been thinking about doing an order, now is the time. Click on the ad in the right side bar to go to the Daniel Smith web site and use code WSALE20 in the coupon/promo box when you check out and enjoy the savings while you still can!

Hi, my name is Laure, I'm an enabler. I'm an art supply junky....

I go to to Art Supply Hoarders Anonymous regularly.....


  1. thank you for sharing. love discounts!!!!

  2. Now that's funny! I love the way you ended this post!

  3. Me too...Maybe we should start a Blog ASHH with our own 12 step program. 1. Admit that I love and hoard art 'stuff'. 2. We turn to others, particularly those who have struggled with Hoarding Art 'stuff'...;-)

  4. Oh my.... I really do have this sickness. At the sight of this, and your suggestion in the Greece class that you've found a new super green.... well I just "had to have" that new green, and well.... I just had to put a few more items in the cart. I'm so excited and anxious to receive my new toys/candy this week!!!

    1. P.S. I can say "Laure made me do it"! ;-)

    2. Oh, Claire! That made me laugh out loud for real! TOO funny!

      And I share your angst, I await some items as well!


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