
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Wanna Come To NOLA Live! With Me?!!

St Elizabeth's Asylum
Guardian Angel
8.5 x 3.5 inches
(please click to enlarge)
From the very beginning of, I have been dreaming of a way to follow through on the skills and learnings from the imaginary trip classes at a live location! Some of you even asked for such a trip, where we could all come together to sketch and paint in these wonderful locales we visit virtually.....

I am so very pleased and excited to announce that Imaginary Trips Made Real, LLC is a reality and will be hosting:

NOLA Live!
An Artist's Painting Holiday
November 6 -11, 2011

All of the info is in the itinerary here. Just click to download a copy.

I hope that you'll join me in the wild adventure!

Please let me know of any questions I can answer.

The angel in this post is one of two angels that stands outside of St. Elizabeth's Asylum in New Orleans. It has been a girls' school as well as an orphanage. It has a ballroom and a chapel with the original stained glass windows.

It was also the home of Ann Rice, author of the famed Interview With The Vampire and The Vampire Lestat novels. The home had an unusual designation of being one of the largest private homes in the United States at just under 50,000 square feet.

Ms. Rice sold the property after her husband passed away and it has recently been converted to luxury condos.

I took quite a few artistic liberties with this image. The glass window behind the angel is not as large nor low as I have it shown and there is a huge column that seems to have disappeared from the image as well.

I lost track of the time it took to create this image as I started it several months ago. I was sidetracked with other projects and would occasionally come across it, paint a little and then set it aside again.

When I was in NOLA, I visited the location twice. There was a strong sense of peace emanating from the building. Did the angels have anything to do with it? I'm not really sure. I just know there was a serenity to the place that I wanted to capture in my image.

I do hope you'll come and join me on the return trip—it's going to be a blast!!


  1. Wow, I didn't know you had this already out when we did the conference!! If I were an artist, I would jump right in with you!!! Good luck and remember to just "have fun"!!!

  2. Your angel came out super! The design of the page is great so I guess its good you used your artistic license and did what you are always reminding us "simplify, simplify" not that I've learned that lesson yet, lol. I like that she's done in monotone.

  3. Beautiful angel--and you can count me in for the trip to NOLA!

  4. I wanna, I wanna! Congratulations! This sounds like a fabulous journey.

  5. What an adventure! I wish I could join up. Sounds like a wonderful trip, and I can't wait to see what beautiful images will result!


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