
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Tale of Caution

The paper testing goes on.... (more here and here)

I am still working in the Pineapple Journal with the Canson Edition watercolor paper and I must say I am enjoying it quite a bit. The colors are bright and lively, the paper does NOT buckle under repeated washes and it dries fairly flat as well.

Detail of corrected area
This is a partial slice of the page and it's partial for two, it's not finished nor is it likely to be and two, it based very loosely on an image I've seen out on someone's blog and until I have it in writing that they will allow me to use their image I will not post it in its entirety. It's about copyright law and respecting other artists' rights. That's the first tale of caution. It's way easy to get caught up in an image and forget to ask!

The second tale of caution is if you look closely at the brown area you may be able to discern two areas that were "corrected." If not, take a look at the next image.

Detail of attempted correction
See the two dark "lines" of pigment? One curves to the left and one to the right? I wanted to add yellow petals in this area so I lifted the color as lightly as I could with a scrubbie. Once dry, I attempted to add color back over the area. Yuck! The surface was very fuzzy with no sizing left and no amount of burnishing would repair the damage. The only thing I could do was to put the heavy brown pigment back. It is far more noticeable on the actual page than in the scan.

It would seem that the Achilles heel for this paper is that you do not make significant course changes or correct large mistakes. Once the pigment is down, it doesn't come up easily nor does the paper accept pigment back over the corrected area very well. I also tried using a correction using clear tape. No good there either as it lifted the paper fibers when I lifted the tape.

In short, this paper is not Arches and does not take a repeated beating. However, as a watercolor sketching paper to be used in bound/stitched books, it's has Arches beat hands down for the lack of cracking of the paper, warpage and ease of use!


  1. Yup, you've got it! Same correction issues I've experienced. I just thought of a possible solution though. Sure.... now I think of it! When correcting calligraphic projects, a method to prevent ink bleeding and feathering in a correction area involves lightly pouncing a bag of Gum Sandarac on the paper. Then hold the paper vertical and tap to get any excess powder off.

    You can purchase Gum Sandarac (a bag of or jar) at

    I think I shall try it! :)

    The sunflower partial is stunning!

  2. Have you ever tried Fabriano Artistico paper? I haven't tested it extensively like you have, but I've enjoyed using it in my journals, and it doesn't crack like the Arches does.

  3. Hey, Pam, sounds it intriguing. I'll probably purchase some but I'd love to hear your results!

    Cheryl, the first journal I made with the coptic stitch had Fabriano in it and I gave it away as a gift. I need/want to make another one to test as a sketchbook. I've used the paper in paintings just not as a sketchbook.

  4. Well I've learned three things. Not to try corrections on this paper, to use some Fabriano paper I bought (perhaps or espcially, in a journal) and that wetting the mixed-media paper before laying down a wash definitely helps. It still doesn't work as well as the Arches paper and it cracks so I'm not sure I'll buy more no matter what but I can use what I have. Thanks for the advice.

  5. Be nice to have several kinds/brands of wc paper on hand to match the paper to the project.

    I'm still on Arches... and loving it!

  6. That's interesting and good to know! I guess that also points out the difference in my approach to a sketch journal. I just sketch, with watercolor or whatever else, and I do like the versatility of Canson Edition for that. But I don't consider my journal sketches to be a finished piece they way yours are. If I am unhappy with a sketch I just turn the page! I haven't ever tried to correct one - at least not yet :-) Now I'll know though, what to expect with this paper.

  7. Thanks for passing on your research! I learned a lot.

    Every time I stray from Arches, I haven't been very happy, but it has challenges as mentioned.

    I think it's all about learning what paper will work for each project and our own particular style...maybe that's why there are so many types!


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