Octobers always seem so busy and often filled with great plans that interfere with all the wonderful things we'd like to do! If that statement describes you and why you are not able to join me for a week-long workshop on Jekyll Island this October, worry not!
Announcing "An Imaginary Trip To Jekyll Island Online Class!" Registration is now open!
Imagine wading in the lapping waters of the Atlantic Ocean or sitting and sketching the otherworldly shapes of driftwood. Maybe you like the shore-life of wading birds and fiddler crabs.
There's something for everyone!
If you are not able to join me for the workshop the week of October 21st, I hope you'll be able to join me online. Class starts on Thursday, October 31st and will have four assignments to show you the gorgeous beauty of this barrier island.
I hope to see you on the island!
For those considering this trip.... splurge and go. It was a life course changer for me. All your needs are taken care of in a beautiful setting and then you are transported all around the Dordogne area of France for intimate experiences with these little towns and wonderful culture and architecture. I had not painted primarily in watercolor for many years and from this trip on... I am hooked again. The group is small and Laure will share information with the participants on what ever level is appropriate for their growth and satisfaction. I left France promising to myself to draw every day and now I am finally going out and sketching and painting in the area where I live. Thank you Laure and the crew at le Vieux Couvent for a wonderful and enriching time. I will never forget some of the spectacular cuisine. Bravo to all.