
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Feeling Festive...Or Frazzled?

From Paint A Festive Poinsettia Online Class
I'm always amazed at how fast the last three months of the year go whizzing by. I start September with the highest of hopes, believing I'm going to get oh, so much done. The next thing I know, I'm staring at the middle of December in the blink of an eye (or so it seems).

Then the pressure starts getting I have enough time to create a greeting card? What about some hostess gifts? Maybe a few pieces for my Etsy shop?

And then reality intrudes and I realize that once again, I've waited too late in the year to get started. The holiday card becomes a New Year's greeting card, the majority of gifts are store bought and Etsy gets ignored.

Ah, but not this year...or next, I should say!

Paint A Festive Poinsettia Online Class is now open! This class is also part of 'Tis The Season - Year Long Holiday Class over at the Imaginary Realm where you get to choose whether you take one class, three classes, or all of them!
Concept art for 'Tis The Season Holiday Class
Poinsettias have been nearly synonymous with the holidays since the early 1900s and because they're such a highly recognized plant, the artist can play with colors, shapes, sizes and it still reads as a poinsettia.

One of my favorite things about this particular plant is the complementary colors of red and green or pink and light green. These colors add a distinctive zing to the artwork that's hard to create any other way! Using an analogous color scheme is another way to jazz up the brilliant jewel tone colors of the leaves.

The Festive Poinsettia class covers drawing your plant on the page, making decisions on what to include and leave out, painting the plant, using your handwriting as fancy lettering and last, how to share your art by making a fun greeting card with a specialty cut and fold to make the edges of the poinsettia really stand out!

So if you're feeling a bit frazzled as you try to come up with an idea for the holidays, come on over and join me at The Imaginary Realm. Just think, this time next year, we'll have created 13 separate pieces of art without the usual stress and strain!

As always, please let me know if I can answer any questions!


  1. OMG! yes, once again this year I find myself almost Half way through December and didn’t get half the things done I wanted to for 2017. (At least I did get half of the things done, LOL!). Your title image (the poinsettia) is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Dear Laure - you are so right...Christmas is going to be here before we know it. There have been years when I have had blue poinsettias as well as pink. The red is my favorite though. At heart I am a traditionalist :)! Have a lovely week Hugs!

  3. So excited about this class! No time yet to do the first lesson, but I have printed the pdf so I can sit and enjoy doing the lesson later in a quiet moment during the holidays. Off to finish my Santa tasks etc. Happy Holidays.


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