
San Fran's Gardens, Ladies and A New Obsession!

11:00 AM

Our third day had us exploring the Painted Ladies near Alamo Square. These Victoria beauties simply sparkled in the bright sunshine! It was a brilliant day to be out walking and exploring. So much so that before the day was over, we'd walk over 16,000 steps!! (I worked it out in miles, but I didn't right it down and I don't remember now. I do remember it was a bunch! Maybe KJ will remember?)

No matter where you are in San Francisco, you cannot help but notice all the things green, growing and blooming!
This is one of two cats I managed to photograph during our entire stay. I have 100's of dog photos and two cats—hopefully, all the kitties were just inside, safe and sound, snoozing away.
Something I've recently discovered about myself is that whereas I can paint detailed architectural structures, I don't much like to....I get bored long before I get done! In the future, I will probably pick a doorway, a pretty window, etc. rather than the whole darn thing! This is quite simplified but you probably wouldn't guess it without seeing the photo reference.
You could spend a lifetime painting just flowers and gardens or just houses or just doors or just....you get the idea!

And then, wouldn't you know it, but we stumbled into the cutest little restaurant (11 blocks away from the Painted Ladies, so yes, I do mean stumbled!)....
...and into a new obsession!

French made macaroons, no less! These are caramel and they were soooooo good that we had to go back down the block to their bakery to buy a box of these little gems. Now, you know if we had to go back down the block, they were good!
I've even forgotten what kind of coffee we had, but I remember it as being very tasty whatever it was! I will also mention that I had a couple of macaroons from a different bakery—and I was not impressed. In fact, I'm glad I had these first or I probably wouldn't have been tempted to try any others.
 Kay, I think it was you who asked if we found any pralines and/or beignets...at any rate, someone asked, and no, we didn't find any, but we did find these delicious little bites of joy! Soooooo yummy! And trust me when I tell you those will not be my last macaroon.

Lunch revived us so off we went in search of Japantown.....

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20 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Wasn't it something like 8 miles? I don't remember for sure.

    Love these pages! They are fantastic and definitely capture the spirit of the day. Oh, and I think we had a chai latte at this place. It was the best one we had the entire trip.

    1. That sounds about right. I'll have to figure it out again. Chai Latte! How could I forget that as it was one of the best!

  2. I'm loving this vicarious trip to San Fran with you - and looking forward to the Imaginary Trip later this year. I also love all the new sketchbook pages.

    1. Me too, Cheryl! (Looking forward to the trip later this year.)

  3. Your pages are just singing!! I'm with you on architecture :)

  4. Oh I LOVE your pages. So glad to hear others get bored doing big detailed things. I am getting so I like quick and easy drawings and paintings to do..I like looking at the details but its fun to see something come alive quickly. Guess it comes from oil painting all my life and having to wait on the paint to dry. oh and I hate to say this but Those French things are called Macarons.. with ONE O. they are not the Macroons we've known with coconut in them. They are also very complicated to make thus cost a lot. But so tasty.. For sure an obsession..:)) Wish we had some around here.

    1. Thank you, Cris! I laughed out loud when I saw your message as I went back and forth in my head trying to remember if it was one o or two....instead of going to check, I decided to wing it!

      Oh well, an easy fix...I'll share how I do it too! Thanks for letting me know!

  5. You were lucky to have sunshine. There is such wonderful food in SF.

    1. Yes, Justine, we were blessed with exceptional weather. It was wonderful.

  6. I so enjoy the sketches of your travels. I just returned from a trip and had not one moment to sketch. I took pictures and toured gardens. On a tight schedule. Very frustrating. One of these days I will go alone and do what I want to. Why is life so difficult sometimes??

    1. Lisa, it sounds like you need a different kind of trip. One that caters to your needs rather than the other way around!

  7. Great sketcing. I think it would be hard to not include one whole Painted Lady in a collection of San Francisco sketches but after one, why not just the interesting bits?

    Curiosity got me and I had to stop and Google "how many steps in a mile" with the result coming up with an average stride of two feet so just cut the steps in half in the future unless you start running for some reason! I never have counted my steps. I am guessing you had a pedometer on or something as I am sure by your sketches here that your day was much more interesting than just counting steps!

    1. Thanks, Timaree! I guess I can check that box then. Yes, it seems like it was around 8 miles that day and yes, we had a pedometer. Waaaay too much walking for one day! We saw a lot, but boy were we ever tired!

  8. Laure,
    Sorry you didn't find any pralines. They are so delicious, but you seem to have found a great substitute. Kathie will be so excited that you are using the book she made. Love your sketching and paintings. Your journal will be beautiful. Looking forward to hearing more about the trip.

    1. Oh, I'm sure there are delicacies only to be found in SF, and I'm rather glad we didn't find them. The macarons were outstanding, but much harder to come by—thank goodness!

  9. LOVED reading about your adventures in San Francisco and your new found Obsession! I hope to try them someday..... ;-)

    1. Ah, I'm pretty sure you will, Claire, I'm very sure that you will! ;•)

  10. I'm home again and just spent a delightful many minutes wandering around San F on your recent blog posts. What a wonderful series of paintings and adventures. I could almost spend time in a city after vicariously enjoying your trip.

  11. Beautiful pages! So much detail and the colors are so pretty. I really love the way you sketch and paint, Laure. You are a true inspiration.

  12. Fascinating information I haven’t been experienced such information in quite a long time.


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