
Monday, April 30, 2012

Waaaaay To Busy, But Oh, The Fun Of It All!!

My life suddenly took off at Mach 4 speeds and it was just about all I could do to hold on, but I gotta say, it's been a fun and wild ride! I missed y'all and it's good to be back. I thank you for all the concerned emails.

I can't say that I won't disappear again as things are still kinda crazy, but I will try to do a better job of showing up here!

So, where I have been?!

Take a look!
I'm packed and ready to go...
I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again....
(click to enlarge to see the texture made with coffee!)

My "Partner In Adventure" is ready to go and we're on our way! 

Far, far away, all the way to other coast....

To a town with a famous bridge, gorgeous sunsets and a happenin' vibe!
Some 2,000 photos later (and a couple of short pieces of videos), I'm home and trying to get sorted out so that I can share some of this fun stuff with you! Stay tuned for more!


  1. Sounds very exciting! I'm glad to see you posting again :-)

  2. Oh you were missed but sounds like you have been on a lovely adventure.. Cant wait to see what comes of all this. Welcome back..for now. :)

    1. Thank you, Cris! It was fun, at least this part. The other stuff, not so much.

  3. Sounds like it was a fabulous trip! I'm sure your paintings are beautiful. - can't wait to see...

  4. So you came and left again. I"m here. Glad you enjoyed it. LOL

    1. Lynn, I did not realize you were in SF (or nearby)! I'm coming back! We'll have to get together.

  5. I thought I'd taken a lot of photos at 532! I'm looking forward to hearing your take on the trip.

    1. Hope you had a wonderful time. Would love to hear all about the trip and see some of your pictures. I haven't been to Frisco for years.

    2. Yes, well, I tend to take 4 or 5 of the same subject as I never know for sure if I have a clear shot with the DSLR.

  6. You were in my neck of the woods! I'm only an hour from SF. I was going to skip this class, as I can go there any time I want. But, now that I know you've taken your own photos, that may change things:D

    1. Sue, we'll have to get together when I come back in the fall! I think it's going to be a super trip!

  7. Wow ... so that is what you've been up to (in addition to launching the Greece trip)! You are a super busy lady! Sounds like you had a great trip in San Francisco - I can't wait to hear more about it.

    1. Too busy for my own good, Claire, but that's how it happens!

  8. San Fran is one of my favorite cities. Can't wait to travel there with you. Welcome home.

  9. Glad you are back and appreciate that you were off doing things that will make our lives happier and more creative. Can't wait to see and hear what you and Kathy did on this trip. Did you find any pralines there or just Giardelli chocolate? Yum!

  10. Gosh, you are having some exciting artistic adventures! Good for you and Kathy :-)

  11. Love your writing on these pics and I love how you made this a picture story!

    1. Thanks, Timaree, Trying to make it interesting!

  12. Ooo, Frisco! Cant wait to see what you come up with this time. Yes, and I too love your writing. So hard for leftys to write nicely - and straight! :) Wish I could.

    1. Thank you. Yes, being a lefty can be quite a challenge when journaling, but where there's a will, there's a way!


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