
Monday, March 26, 2012

There's NO Such Thing.... CUTE and COMFY shoes! I recently decided it was time to go shoe shopping to replace* my faithful Merrells that are beginning to come apart. *I'm taking them to the shoe shop to see if they can be repaired, but I'm not hopeful.

Since I knew this would be a long and torturous process, I decided it was time to get started.

I called up my Partner in Crime Adventure to schedule the grand adventure. Before we went, we did a little bit of looking around on the web, reading reviews and such. Do you know you cannot tell a comfortable shoe by looks, price, style or materials? It must be tried on and walked around in!

Then the big day arrived and we were off!

Here is a quick view of just some of the styles we saw:
Watercolor and Ink
Fabriano Artistico CP paper
Were we successful? Well, yes, I suppose so.

We eliminated a lot of "cute-looking" shoes and we eliminated a lot of "ugly-looking" shoes simply because they were waaaay uncomfortable or because they were just too ugly to wear to be caught dead in!

We did both manage to come home with a pair of shoes though.

Why are you turning your head sideways like that? Oh, wait a minute...


Getting back to the shoe hunt...I'm not sure that the shoes we purchased will ever be good for travel, but you never know—things change. Travel needs change.

I must say I was astounded at the number of 4-inch (and higher!) heels I saw on the market. The future foot doctors are going to be making a killing in another ten years or so!

However, I also saw a vast number of positively adorable ballet-type flats that were about as comfortable as walking on broken glass. What's with that?

Very disappointing.

When traveling, I really believe the best way to absorb a new place is by walking around on foot rather than by car, bus, trolley or even a bike. You're moving slower and seeing more. It becomes "mission critical" to have comfortable shoes if you're that kind of traveler. You absolutely have to have the kind of shoes you can wear 14-16 hours a day for 5 or 6 days in a row!

Because if your feet hurt....well, let's not go there. That's not even fun to think about (shudder).

We're gearing up for another round of shoe-shoppin' fun....wish us luck. I think we're gonna need it.

Do you have a favorite "walking" shoe? If so, do share!!


  1. Why women do what they do to their feet is beyond my comprehension, Laure. I always thought men's leather shoes were evil torture devices but high heels and pointy toe shoes make them seem tame. Of course, this is coming from a guy who thinks the most sexy woman's shoe is a running shoe.

    And that's what I wear all summer...running shoes. In the winter I have hiking boots that beat back the snow.

    1. Your comprehension and mine too, Larry! Since I quit working in a corporate office, I've gotten rid of most of my dress shoes. These days it's COMFORTABLE flats, sandals, running shoes and the like.

      Life's too short for my feet to hurt! I might miss something!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Carol, I looked at them two years ago before the first trip to NOLA and didn't find anything. Might be time to give them another look-see!

  3. I love your shoe sketches! I especially like the clog. It looks most comfortable to me. Yes, those crazy skyscraper high heels are back problems just waiting to happen. Can't understand why women do this for the sake of fashion. Good ol' Reboks work best for me for walking. Guess I'm just old.

    1. Then we must both be getting old and I'm pretty sure that's not the case! LOL!! I haven't had Reboks in a long time but I used to love them. Yes, feet and back problems are going to be wild from wearing those shoes and the big heavy shoulder bags women carry!

  4. Shoe shopping is one of my least favorite things to do. When I do find something I like, I get two pairs in different colors and then keep them for a very long time. I've had success with Lands End shoes, the youth size mary janes are my most recent favs. Because I got Kiddo a pair a while back and then wanted some for myself. Great sketch! I like those clogs! Good luck with your quest!

    1. Hmmm, Land's End? Now that's a company I haven't checked out! I'm thinking if I ever find another pair of super comfy shoes, I'm going to follow your advise and get two pair as well.

      This shoe hunting isn't much fun!

  5. I don't like to shoe shop any more. As you say they mostly have ballet shoes and they don't fit my feet right. I wear running shoes a lot. Sandals in the summer. Dress up shoes?? I rarely dress up. Can't remember the last time actually.

    1. Perhaps it's time to get dressed up and go out on the town, Lisa!

  6. Love your page of shoes. I used to love Clarke's but the last time I tried some the fit seemed changed somehow and they were no longer comfy. I've been trying to get by with my old ones but come next winter I'll have to bite the bullet and get some new shoes. Most shoes do not fit me so it's a real trial. My daughter loves shoes as do her girls. The girls love to try on those 4" heels and the ballerina actually looks nice walking in them. She says at ballet class they do exercises after each session en pointe to keep their legs from having problems. Seems women who wear the heels should be doing some too!

    1. Thanks, Timaree! Now that makes sense...doing exercises to keep from killing them legs and backs not to mention feet AND they don't have 15 pound purses hanging off their shoulders!

  7. I have horrible feet, and never get to wear cute shoes but I have been eyeing this brand for a bit. Very cute and look like they would be comfy

    1. Hmmm, they do have some cute styles, Tyanne! They do look comfy, but until you walk in them, you'll never know! If you do order some, let me know how you like them.

  8. I have two pairs of Merrill sandals that I LOVE! In fact, I've been known to wear them on a sunny day in winter. My feet hurt all the time from fibromyalgia, so I'm VERY particular about my shoes. Your right about the future for foot doctors. I know young ladies in their twenties that have bunions already from their crazy high heels!

    1. Love Merrells!! I have two I love to pieces (literally) and one, not so much. They're okay, but not nearly as comfortable as the other pair. Like I said, I'll probably go back for the Merrells. The other thing is that I'm not too crazy about wearing open toed shoes when I'm walking around a city. Crazy, huh?!

  9. Laure, if you have a Walking Company store near you, try there before going anywhere else. If you don't have a store near you, go online and see what they offer, then try the same shoe on at another store. They have a tab at the top of the webpage for "comfort." I have bunions AND have had plantar fasciitis, so I check both categories to see which shoes they recommend for those problems. There is also an "ultimate comfort" category. My go-to brands are Dansko, Keen and Aetrex.

    1. Most excellent suggestion, Marcy, and yes, I do have a Walking Company store near me. i'll have to check them out online and see what they're suggesting. Thanks, Marcy!

  10. Great journal page! Love it! At first glance I thought your drawings were magazine cutouts. Amazing.

    Ok, so I'm 38 and a few years ago I somehow managed to injure a toe on my right foot while I was working... I am a massage therapist, so toe injury was the last thing I was expecting!

    I could no longer where any of my shoes! Not even the , sporty tennies with the cute colors I normally wore to work in (I hate working bare foot, do see how other massage therapists do it). I went from wearing a narrow size 7.5 to wearing a wide 8!

    The most comfortable shoes I have found to wear are Teva hiking sandals! I think they are cute in an outdoorsy kind of way, and they are very light weight and come in lots of great colors. I do wear gel inserts for a little extra support and cushion. So you might check those out. Also, surprisingly, Skechers makes some pretty comfortable shoes depending on the style. Just a heads up!

  11. No suggestions on shoes, but I do like your page! Shoe shopping is the worst, second to (dare I say it) swimsuit shopping. I usually end up buying cushy inserts of some kind later, sometimes I'm on my feet a lot, and even the comfortable shoes start to pall. Good luck with your shoe adventures!

  12. Love your journal page Laure! And as you saw (and we discussed) in NOLA, I also wear only comfy shoes. My 2 pairs that I took to NOLA were both Keens, and my feet never hurt there. I also wear Birkenstocks, but only the soft footbed ones. And I use New Balance Pressure Relief insoles in my shoes - the ones with the metatarsal support for the Morton's Neuroma.

  13. Your journal shoe page is gorgeous, but of course, those shoes all look like feet-torture devices, even the flats.
    Comfy shoes have to be flat and either lace-ups or good straps over the instep, so you don't have a part of your brain worrying about them getting caught or flopping off. And you need good support, eh?
    I used to wear Birkenstock Arizonas all year, that was as dressed up as I get. With no socks in summer and 2 pairs of heavy wool socks in the deepest snow. They fell apart after 15 years.
    Now my most comfy shoes are an older pair of negative heel Earth shoes, Mary Jane style. After the first wearing, with sore calves, my feet and legs love them. Lots of toe room, too. (I wore Earth Shoes waaaay back when, when mostly weirdies wore them...)
    New Balance running shoes/sneakers if you can find a really good pair....
    Please, will you let us know what you find?

  14. I go barefoot in the house with slippers but have some rubber things I can slip on to go outside, but when walking I like my Reeboks. I do wear a slight heel for dress up as long as I am not going to be standing around long. Love your Drawings. Good luck with the new shoes. I have the hardest time getting new shoes to feel comfy.

  15. i love your shoe drawings because i love shoes!!!! i buy most of my shoes at nordstrom. have you tried toms or sam edelman sandals? i wear a lot of both of those and think they are very comfortable. you can order online too. good luck, can't wait to hear and see what you end up with!

  16. Whst I want to know is...did you purchased those jazzy zebra stripes with the red soles!!! :)

  17. I have always had good luck with Clarks brand shoes! Fashion and comfort in a good assortment of types of shoes for various occasions.


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