
Thursday, January 26, 2012

No Art Time = Cranky Person

Strawberries (No pencil)
Watercolor with ink for the text only
Double Spread
Pineapple Journal
I spent the day in the technological world of web sites yesterday.

All day.

It made me cranky.

The best antidote I know to getting over crankiness is to paint.

Here's the results of my "fix." And just like painting outside on location, painting live in your own kitchen can be an adventure.

Midway through, the clouds covered up the sun and I lost my shadows.

So what does any good artist do when the shadows leave?

Make up their own, of course.

After looking at the photo, I've decide this spread needs a "surprise" element added to it.

Wonder what it will be.........


  1. Lovely, Laure. Technology is a wonderful thing, as well as an energy drainer, from time to time ... but thank goodness for it cause it means I can see your work!

    1. Thank you for the reminder, Donna, and you're right. It's just that too much of a good thing is still too much!

  2. What a beautifully fresh page! The reds and greens are gorgeous, and I love the lettering.
    I wonder what you've been up to in the land of the websites... :-)

    1. All will soon be revealed, Monique! Hang in there with me just a bit longer.....

  3. Mmmm - they look good enough to eat! Hope you're less cranky today - not that I've ever seen you cranky. ;)

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! Yes, today is a better day. Any day I can sling paint is a good day!

  4. the surprise is that you are sending all us commentators some strawberry shortcake !....can't wait.

    or....we are going berry picking on our next
    imaginery trip to California !

    1. Hmmmm, Winna, maybe you're on to something there! An Imaginary Trip to the Strawberry Patch!

  5. I think I've painted that tablecloth/placemat before along with a slice of melon :-). Waiting anxiously for another class. How about some bluberries with the strawberries. Justine

    1. Yes, Justine, I believe you have! Hmmm, blueberries might work...

  6. Ahhh, so THAT's what I need to do!! I've been on the computer so much since the holidays (catching up with everyone), that I'm cranky too. I think it's because I'm seeing all the art everyone has done, and here I sit, not painting. So thanks for the kick in the you-know-what. I'm logging off now. And thanks for the inspiring eye-candy. Think I'll go raid the fridge, too! ;-) Happy New Year, Laure!

    1. I'm tellin' you, Linda, it will do wonders for your attitude! Happy New Year too!

  7. Can't wait to see the surprise. I hope you are feeling better now.

    1. Yes, Lisa, much better! Hopefully, you'll see the surprise tomorrow.

  8. I love the shadows in your painting, and the bright reds!

  9. The surprise element is.. I CAN COMMENT AGAIN. LOL
    Blogger must have fixed its problem. Love the strawberries. Cant figure out where you would put more tho.

    1. Yay, Cris!! Way to go! The strawberry in the lower left is a real one—I'll put the surprise there.

  10. this is so juicy and fresh and sweet!

  11. Lovey strawberry pages! Just picked my own box full a couple of weeks ago in the Cameron Highlands - delicious!

  12. This page really caught my eye!! Love the berries and the liveliness of the reds. Very sharp and appealing combination.

    and I want to join the group requesting berries!! strawberries, blueberries (again), raspberries, boysenberries, blackberries, ..... I think we could make a long list! I hope you can tell that I just love berries ..... berry much!!

  13. about a bit of chocolate for a surprise! :-) Glad you were able to use painting therapy to get happy again, and it was good therapy. I LOVE those strawberries. They look so fresh and sweet.

  14. very nice watercolors…insightful thoughts


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