
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

From The Beginning (NOLA)

I had made plans to go into NOLA early to make sure that everything was in place and to check a couple of logistical matters that I couldn't check out any other way. Boy, am I glad I did!

I arrived tired—emotional, physically and mentally. You see, both of my parents had experienced major health crises the week before I left. Since life is what happens while we're making other plans, I had little choice but to roll with it. Luckily, I have a great family and both parents were beginning to show improvement before I left.

It took a few days to switch from worried caregiver to maven of Imaginary Trips Made Real. Luckily, I had KJ (of Catching Happiness) to keep me from getting lost or worse. One of the other "travelers" arrived late on Friday evening as well. 

Click to enlarge

On Saturday, while the other two roamed the French Quarter, I caught up on a few emails and some other necessary business. Finding a good internet connection turned out to be a sizable challenge this entire trip! I had to sit in the front lobby or breakfast room to get a fairly reliable connection.

After I completed my work, I sat out in the sunny courtyard to sketch one of the doors leading into the Armstrong House as well as the breakfast nook. The others returned and joined me for a wonderful afternoon of sketching.

Click to enlarge
This second page I'm sharing was started at The Decadence Shoppe....which turned out to be a bakery/breakfast joint, but with a name like that in never know!! The umbrellas hung from the ceiling and were just to cute to pass up as a drawing opportunity.

The decadence came in the form of Praline Pancakes and Maple Spice Chai Latte. Oh. My. Goodness! Yummy! Though I have to say, everything we had was excellent. We went there for breakfast twice. The second morning the doors were open and we sat gazing out of Louis Armstrong Park which was just across the street.

After more exploring of the French Quarter, we decided to go back to Bistreaux (having been there on Thursday evening). It was close to our hotel and the food was very good. LSU was in an epic battle to retain their No. 1 ranking against Alabama, ranked No. 2 and the joint was full.

To add to the frivolity of the evening there was a wedding being held in the hotel next door. Once the vows were exchanged, the happy couple, wedding party and everyone who attended as well as a band went around the block, waving handkerchiefs to celebrate. The image below is not of the same wedding party, but you'll get the idea. That's just how you do it in NOLA!
Click to enlarge
 It was a very lively evening and yes, LSU won—in overtime!

To be continued.....


  1. Love your sketches. I am so glad that you were able to relax (so to speak) and enjoy your trip. I hope your parents are fareing well.

  2. It already looks like tons of sketching fun. The visuals in NOLA can be overwhelming.

    Hope your parents are doing well. Isn't that always the way.

    How many people came to sketch and have fun?

  3. Hi Laure, it does sound like a stressful time for you but glad you kept your head and went with the flow. I adore your first sketch, and the decadent breakfast "The decadence came in the form of Praline Pancakes and Maple Spice Chai Latte" sounds sooo fabulous. My goodness, I'm just imagining that combo'.

  4. Wonderful sketchs/drawing/paintings!!!
    Feel like I am there!

  5. Both parents having crises could derail some people. I'm glad you were able to get them stabilized and have family take over and I so hope you found some relaxation while leading your group around. You made some great pages here. Love the umbrellas.

    Hope your parents are doing much better now.

  6. What a fabulous trip - most of us can only imagine sketching in such a colourful place. Thank you for making it real for us. x

  7. I especially love how that second page turned out! You know, I think The Decadence Shoppe and Bistreaux were two of my favorite restaurants. They both had really delicious food. Is it possible to be homesick for NOLA when you don't live there??

  8. Looks like a whole lot of fun going on here. I love your drawings. I love the umbrellas hanging. Were they paper or Cloth? Very clever decorating. Cant wait to see what else you did. This just wets the appetite. Thanks for the comment on my post.. I heard it coming in as I was reading yours. :)

  9. So fun to hear of your NOLA adventures with KJ before the rest of us arrived. Sounds like there are several interesting sites that I missed during my time there -- and I'll just 'have to' go back again!!

  10. Love your pages, Laure! Jumpin' Joe - could you have any more stress before your trip?? So glad to hear your folks are on the mend. Hugs to KJ for keeping you balanced :)

  11. Wow - you must have the best multi-tasking skills ever...hope your parents are doing better and better. Congratulations on a successful maiden voyage as well! Love the sketches you created while in the midst of creating an adventure for others. You deserve a rest!

  12. Thanks, Lisa, I knew my folks were in good hands (and improving and so I did get to enjoy the trip!

    It was sooo much fun, Teri! There were 8 artists plus me on this trip.

    Oh, Carole, those pancakes were OUTSTANDING!! Yum!!

    Thank you Lynn! Wish you could have been there.

    Thanks, Timaree, the parents are much improved. Slow going, but still improving.

    Gillian it was a fabulous trip! Sketching in Mardi Gras World was like sketching inside of a coloring book—that's the only way I know to explain it.

    Thanks, KJ!, I've been wondering the same thing.

    Yes, Claire, I definitely think we need to go back!

    Pam, it was wild, and yes, KJ was wonderful. It turned out to be a super trip though!

    No, Elizabeth, not really a great multi-tasker, just determined to make it all work!


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