
Monday, October 24, 2011

Drawin' and Paintin' at the OK Corral

The other day, Chris and I went to LongHorn® Steakhouse for dinner. For some reason, the hostess always seems to seat us in one of the booths in the bar area. This was my view and I fell in love with the color on those boots! Of course, I pulled out my sketchbook and started to draw them in pen and after our meal, my plan was to add color.

Chris asked what I was sketching as he couldn't see my sketchbook. When I showed him, he decided he wanted to give it a whirl, too. So I handed him the other sketchbook I had with me. (Yes, I had two sketchbooks in my purse that day. One is good for watercolor and one is good for pen and ink and not much else. I usually use it for notes and lists. Since Chris prefers ink it worked out well.)

Chris' interpretation in Copic Gray ink:
My interpretation in Carbon black ink and watercolor:

And here is the dynamic duo caught in the act!

It's kinda fun being married to an artist! He "gets it" and he even enjoys playing along on occasion!


  1. What a great photo of you two drawing. I would frame it. How fun to have someone who 'gets it'. Love what both of you did. You both gave it your own little spin. Unless that scull was on the wall too. :))

  2. ....aaaaahhh! Loved this post, Laure! The photo of you two sketching together is so much fun--and I love both of your sketches. I like the different styles.

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I like both of your sketches; their personalities are so different and so nice!

  4. Oh, this is soooo fun!! Definitely a framer.... all 3 images :)

  5. Two awesome sketches, what a great photo of you two, yes, frame worthy!!! I love the color on those boots too, first thing I noticed.

  6. You guys are so cute! The family that draws together, stays together.

  7. Oh, this is wonderful! Love both sketches.
    I wish my boyfriend was less afraid/shy to try it too.
    I'll keep trying to convince him. :)

    Beautiful, Laure! :D

  8. How great that you both sketch! I like them both and it's fun to see how different they are.

  9. Sounds like a very fun and special evening that you two shared! and you even came home with memory sketches to cherish!

  10. I want to go out to dinner with you two!

  11. great to have shared interests like you do; I've never seen anyone sketching in a restaurant or any other public place before. What a fun outing; spotting things that you must capture and being able to just enjoy not only a lovely meal but creating at the same time! Double whammie!

  12. I agree Laure, this is a great photo and should definitely be framed!!! Hey I didn't know Chris had it in him...he's pretty good too!! :) (Don't tell Chris I said that, don't want it to go to his head!)

    I miss our dinners and wish we had joined you!

  13. How fun! It's nice to put a face on your DH. I love how each person "sees" things the same, but differently. You're lucky to have each other.

  14. Great photo of the two of you painting. I like sketching 'snapshots' of life too, but it's even better to see what others have done. Thanks for sharing.

  15. How fun!! I like both of the versions.

  16. Excellent! Nice to see the two of you here, Laure! and love both of your final pieces of art! You should do more of these--each of you interpreting subjects. Heck--sounds like a whole new blog to me!

  17. How wonderful to see your togetherness in your art. Love both versions of the subject too.


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