
Friday, February 04, 2011

Bluebird of Happiness?

Watercolor of ceramic bird
2 x 3 inches
Pineapple Journal
Click to enlarge
Every once in a while I see a figurine that catches my eye and fires up my imagination. This little guy is the result of that spark. Bluebird of happiness?

Hmmm, maybe. It sure made me happy to stop for a few minutes today and to sketch out the idea and paint it. It doesn't look much like the figurine as I was really trying to incorporate the swirls (the spark) on his back.

As to the nice emails asking if I'm okay...yes, just super busy with two classes running and some technical issues that had to be dealt with this week.

I'm hoping things will go a bit smoother next week and I'll be posting as normal. Hope you have your own bluebird of happiness that visits with you this weekend!!


  1. He is very sweet. Hope you get all caught up and can find more time to paint!

  2. I love the swirls on his back and his sweet expression. Hope he brings a little happiness (and peace, and technical perfection) your way.

  3. What a beautiful little bird, the swirls on his back are sweet!

  4. He is very sweet...I have a similar figurine, but mine is a little more turquoise, and amid the swirls, is a space to put a candle. I love the expression on this little guy...

  5. Love your little bluebird. The swirls look really dimensional!

  6. Hes a cutie. I love blue birds. Hope your glitches aren't as bad as that one time. :)

  7. We must be on parallel time :) Hang on girl, the ride is worth it! Love this bluebird! Great expression.

  8. Love the color of this beautiful bird, Laure--and you DID accomplish the back swirls--so lovely! Hope your week calms down!

  9. oh, how sugar sweet lovely!!!


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