
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Addicted to Color

I succeeded in getting lost in a world of color yesterday though it was purely unintentional! After the disaster with the sap green in Monday's post, I decided life was too short to waste time painting with icky paint. I went in search of another half pan of sap green that I was fairly certain I owned. I just had to find it....
And eventually I did find it, along with some palettes I'd totally forgotten about and being a color junkie, I just had to play with them all. Again.

It all started with that BIG box of 64 crayons...really. It's my parents' fault that I'm a color junkie. Really! There was something mesmerizing about one box. And for the first month or so they had to be kept in perfect order. I would spend hours lost in that box of magic!

Some things tend to fade away with childhood, but I've found that I can repeat that particular magic whenever I get out a palette and start playing again. And I thank my parents for that gift. Time and place disappear. Something I desperately wanted to happen yesterday.

At the top of the photo above, you can see a small Sennelier palette with half the paint missing (harvested for other palettes, no doubt), a large Sennelier palette, and continuing in a clockwise circle, a Schminke palette and the smallest one is (mostly) Winsor Newton.

I save little scraps of watercolor paper to test colors and mixes on which are all those little pieces of paper you see scattered about. Most hit the trash bin, but every once in a while I come up with a combo I want to repeat. I've decided to do some sketches dedicated to the various palettes I own and see if I (or you, my lovely readers) notice a difference in the sketches.

All this play in a timeless world has led to the start of a painting. It's not quite ready for prime time yet, but maybe by the end of the week. Surprisingly, something good out of something not good.....I'll just have to go looking for sap green a little more often.  


  1. What fun to find all those COLORS. I still have a box of 64 crayons. I am certain I have seen larger boxes now days. I love to play with colors in any medium. Have fun. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. I wince when I see how many unused supplies I have, including a brand new palette of watercolours (I really must find where I stashed it). Yes,definitely got to dig them all out again, and then dig in... Isn't it lovely to find forgotten treasures - makes them all new again!

    Love the new look to the blog, very Spring-like.

  3. I too love the new look of your blog. Spring IS coming.. so they say. :) this makes me feel like it might just do so soon. How fun to get lost in color and find a painting in it all. cant wait to see it. I remember when my mother was dying and my husband was having a hard time channeling it. I got him a big box of crayons and a nice big coloring book. I had heard it was good for relaxation and it did the trick. So for those that cant draw its a good way for doing some kind of art. Cris in Oregon

  4. Fun fun fun! New painting Yea! and love the new look.

  5. Love the new header! It's fresh, simple and colorful.

    Can't wait to see this picture you are painting. There is nothing quite like getting lost in time and space by getting so into an art project.

  6. Ah,the box of 64 of the best and most inexpensive toys a child can have. Love the new header, by the way. The colors are gorgeous together and definitely say "Laure." :)

  7. Oh what riches! I love the look of pan watercolours - it's often a shame to disturb their pristine surface - almost like a gift that's too prettily wrapped to open. LOL

    .....think I need to get out more ...

  8. I have awarded you the Stylish Blogger award :) please see my current blog post; you deserve it for your wonderfully inspiring blog

  9. My mouth literally waters when I see lots of colours ready to be used and played with!

  10. Oh my, all those colors, be still my heart...I LOVE them!!!

    From another color junky anonymous.


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