
Monday, January 31, 2011

Feeling A Bit Grumpy?!

Shorebird in Watercolor
Handmade Sketchbook
5.5 x 5.5 inches
Cold weather getting you down?! Gray days piling up on you? Well.......come and take an "Imaginary Trip to the Beach!" Feel the warm, gentle breezes blowing in from the Gulf of Mexico, sink your toes in the sand, watch the waterbirds race along the edge of the waves and forget about all that snow!

Please click here for more information on the trip! We're leaving tomorrow, so hurry!


  1. Those little hearts that the chickadees are holding are cute. I love the peep.

  2. Everyone needs some sunshine this time of year and an imaginary trip to the beach sounds heavenly!

  3. What a beautiful week to go to the beach...even if it's only in the imaginary realm. But, hey, in the imaginary realm, it doesn't storm the day you want to go to the beach, the sky is blue, the sand dunes are white...

  4. I took this class last year and loved it. I highly recommend it!
    I'll look forward to see what you offer this year.
    I'm starting a new watercolor class here, locally, tonite. Thought I'd get a little interaction with real live humans this time.

  5. No snow here..crispy cold but green. Still the Beach sounds lovely. Our Friends are in Hawaii for real. Sigh.

  6. I think I heard that a huge band of more snow/rain is heading all over the country again, so you're just in the nick, Laure--have a great trip to the beach! Cute little shorebird!

  7. Your bird looks like he's hunkered down for a few more weeks of cold weather :-)

    Personally, I'm loving the cold weather, dreading the thought of summer and hoping it snows again. LOL! Yes, I get looks questioning my sanity when I voice such thoughts ;-)

  8. I just love your work and your blog.
    Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing it.


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