
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Leaf Meditations

Leaf Meditations
in watercolor
handbook • watercolor • journal
3.5" x 17"
I looked up with a start when I heard Chris ask "Did you get lost? Again."

I was in the studio, but for all intents and purposes, I had been lost. In my own little world. Painting leaf meditations.....
Close up of image above
These were painted with an Escoda® Travel Brush (in the first image), Series 1214, Size 6. This brush came home from the trade show with me, and I have to tell you it is an absolute pleasure to paint with! The brush is only a size 6 but holds as much water as some of my larger brushes. It also comes to a razor sharp point (which I love) that allows me to get to the small details without having to change brushes.

These brushes are made in Barcelona, Spain and the company has been making brushes for 75 years. This is particular brush is made from kolinsky sable and is on its way to becoming my favorite brush. I recently read over on Wet Canvas that when someone had a question on an Escoda brush and emailed the company. Ricard Escoda replied with an the answer—I find that remarkable in the age of Big Business.
Bottom section of top image

All of the leaves were painted loosely without pencil. The pigment was allowed to move "outside of the lines" to give the impression of movement. To further the impression of movement, no cast shadows were added. For me, there is something very zen like in painting these little masterpieces of nature. If you're interested in learning how to paint this type of artwork, please join me for an Imaginary Visit Through Autumn! The trip leaves on October 21st! Please click here for more information.


  1. gorgeous! I love the fine detailing in this piece! your colours are wonderfully fall too and oh so inspirational!

    thanks for sharing!

    ciao bella


  2. I love this, Laura.... what kind of paper is this and I can see how you got lost in the painting.... such a lovely variety, too.


  3. Gorgeous leaves Laurie. You are making good use of this long skinnny sketchbook. The paintbrush sounds marvelous.

  4. Thank you, Carmelina! Glad to see you back around—I need to come and visit and see what you're up to!

    Hi, Elizabeth, these were painted in a handbook • watercolor journal. Handbook has recently started making journals with watercolor paper and I decided I had to give it a whirl! If you look at this post,, there's more info about it!

  5. Lisa, we managed to cross post! Thanks for the kind words! I love that long format! It challenges me to think out of my usual "box" or square format!

    The paintbrush IS marvelous!!

  6. Wow, these are really nice and this book shape seems made for a leaf design like this. I love the splotchiness of them and the speckles. Both of those are hard for me to do as I never really know where, when or how to add such a touch.

  7. Well, Ms. T, get ready to learn in the upcoming class!

  8. I love your leaves and you now have me interested in this new watercolor Handbook, I like that format.

  9. Whatever kind of brush you are using, I want one if it will make me paint like this! :) These are so pretty. I can understand how you can get "lost" in your studio.

  10. Thanks, Teri, the format will definitely "test" you and challenge you.

    Thanks, Kate! I do get lost in the studio and Chris knows that. A little too well, sometimes!

  11. I love these, Laure! What a lovely way to get lost!

  12. I LOVE your leaves!!! Wonderful!
    It's seems to me we both get "lost" yesterday :)

  13. These are really beautiful and the format is just right for them!

  14. Oh, Laure, those are just lovely! I like the long narrow paper, too--you should frame those!

  15. ...this is gorgeous. I also love the long, thin paper (made doubly long by using both sides). It really feels like the leaves are falling I love the way the color spills off the leaves. This might be my favorite leaf painting you've ever done! I'm going to have to buy one of those water brushes. I like playing with the acrylics, but watercolor keeps calling me back.

  16. These are wonderful leaves. so real looking. I love autumn leaves they are so pretty. This is a good way to capture them forever. I was 'lost' in the rescuing of the 33 miners yesterday so just getting around to blogs today. But I do get 'lost' in my studio too. That ole right brain thing. :)

  17. Thank you, KJ!

    Thanks, Suzanne!

    Thank you, Marancat! I am surprised at how much I like the format of this book.

    Thank you, Sue!

    Kelly, if it's calling your name......come on back!

    Thanks, Cris, getting lost is one of the perks of being an artist I think (until someone goes missing you)!

  18. How GORGEOUS this is, Laure! I so wish there were more hours in the day . . . your class, Imaginary Visit Through Autumn sounds divine!!!

  19. Laure,
    These leaves are beautiful! I went to the paint brush site too and got lost there dreaming about new paint brushes. They did not say where one could buy them. I love trying new brushes.

  20. Thank you, Betty! Would love to have you in the Autumn class! We'll be doing work similar to this.

    Thanks, Jacqueline! These are super brushes. If you look on the left side of their website, there is a list of products, information, etc. and a little ways from the top is a link to dealers around the world. I know several of the independents as well as the big supply houses like Blick, Jerry's, etc. have the brushes.

  21. I love your leaves - the format too makes for a very dynamic composition.

  22. It looks great and the Imaginary Trip sounds great! Wish I had more time...

  23. Gorgeous, Laure!! I love the format. Beautiful colors.

    I have an Escoda brush just like that... same size and everything. Perhaps I should start using it? ;-)


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