
What is It About Rust and Decay?

7:36 AM

Rusty, old(?) metal birdbath
Watercolor and Ink
There is something about rust and decay and dilapidation that gets to me. This birdbath, along with its sister bird feeder were no exceptions. It has to do with the patina of time, the wear and tear, the use of an object that was loved and appreciated for what it was or did. Whatever it is, it speaks to me on a level that shiny and new seldom do. 

I brought this birdbath home from an outdoor antique market Chris and I went to on Labor Day. Other treasures found and brought home included an old copper bucket with a beautiful blue/green patina, old suitcase, a "vintage" Coach handbag and other odds and ends. The day was HOT! The only thing that saved us from turning into crispy critters was the clouds and threat of rain. The humidity was high, but at least it was overcast. 

This was painted in the Pineapple Journal with the Canson Edition Paper. It did not buckle in the least and again the color is very vibrant. This is more the "style" or expression that I was seeking on the first page. Now I need to get the birdfeeder painted so they can go live in the weed patch……garden on the south side of the house.  

What are YOU doing to KICK fear to the curb today?????

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8 Creative Thought(s)

  1. I love this, Laure!! Of course! Rust is patina at its finest, and this charming addition to your South Garden is just perfection!!

  2. Sounds like a fun day with a wonderful treasure to remember. Interesting comments about the paper.

  3. What a fun day! Lovely spread. Hey, weeds are flowers to :)

  4. Sounds like you found some wonderful treasures... I look forward to seeing the painted versions of them!

  5. Love the picture. I see DS has both the Stonehenge and the Canson Edition on sale right now. I don't think I've tried either one. I'd better go look through my papers as I must have at least one of these to try. Maybe trying that new paper will be my way to kick some fear to the curb today!

  6. What is it indeed? The patterns and colors, the textures, the expression of change over time; maybe the hand of the universe playing a part in our humble creations. I love it, too!

    Beautiful painting!

  7. I agree with you...I hate perfection in just about everything! Glad you found such beautiful "new" old tresures!!!


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