
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!!!

Have you ever "misplaced" something and then wondered if it was truly lost because it was nowhere to be found? As in "gone for good?" And it kind of makes you sick at heart to think that, but you've looked everywhere you can think to look, sometimes 4 or 5 times, and it's simply not to be found?

Well, happy day, my "misplaced" item became "found" today!

See that adorable little Winsor and Newton palette?!! That thing has been missing since the great studio remodel back at the holidays! It's an antique that I won on eBay and the ivory color is the original color. I am inordinately fond of this palette for some reason and I was most unhappy to not be able to locate it.

I pleaded with the faeries, the gremlins and the Universe to please return my palette, all to no avail. In a few dark moments, I even wondered if I could possibly have left it somewhere, thrown it out, or just flat out lost it. I did my best not to entertain those thoughts for long, and look! It paid off!!! Oh, my happy heart!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!

Above the palette, you can see my color chart of the paints in this palette. I tend to move from palette to palette (sometimes not by choice!) and I don't always remember the color name or brand. This is my M. Graham palette with a couple of Daniel Smith's thrown in. Now I can finish my strawberry!

One last quick note: For those of you who are interested in the Artful Journaling: Foundations online class, there are 3 spaces left.

P.S. Honey, if you're reading this before you check your voice mail, be sure to hold the phone away from your ear! I was a little excited when I called!!


  1. LOL!! Such unbridled enthusiasm! So happy for you... I do know that feeling. And it IS an adorable palette!

    Hope that "Honey" suffers no hearing loss when he listens to his voice mail :-)

  2. Yay, for finding the lost! I just found my favorite flip flops last night. I had left them in a bag after our last trip. Yay....

  3. Hurray for finding the lost palette! I know you have been missing it.

    And thanks for the reminder about the Artful Journaling class. I just signed up!

  4. Lost and found. I lose more when I put away! Clean ups LOOK GOOD, but are not so good for remembering where every thing that was out WENT!!!!

  5. Hey, T! "Honey" was helping with the hunt too! More than likely he'll be relieved that the palette has been found.

    Yay for finding your flops, Lisa! Doesn't feel good?!!

    Thanks, for signing up, KJ! We're gonna have a blast!

    Lynn, you've got that right! I still feel like a stranger in my studio because I can't find anything it's so organized!! ;•)

  6. So there you go... lesson learned - don't clean anything up or you'll never know where it is! At least, that's what seems to be true in my house. Glad you found your palette! It looks like a nice one.

  7. I wish it worked that way, Krista! But then you'd be seeing us on some TV show about hoarders with a path to and from the bedroom to the kitchen! LOL!

    Not optimal!!

  8. OH Laure, Laure, Laure, so glad to know others lose things all the time. I have done that and it just is so frustrating. By the way the strawberry looks good enough to eat. You are so very talented. Can't wait to learn from you. Will be here soon. Glad you can do a happy dance that your palette is back.

  9. The palette is truly a treasure I can imagine that you're happy1

  10. ROFLOL! I LOVE that statement to your Honey. Crack me up!!
    I always put things away so I don't lose them...need I say more?

  11. what great news! i can't stand it when i misplace something i cherish...

  12. Happy days. I hate losing things in my own home, but I do all the time when I put it away. I am like Lynn. lol Loved the 'Honey' remark..if he is anything like Con he was sooooooooo glad it was found and doesn't have to hear about it AGAIN. LOL

  13. What a great feeling to find your special palette! I certainly know the feelings of frustration when something special is lost. I think I have about 3 special somethings in that lost category at the moment. I sure hope they turn up.

  14. Oh, so glad you found your palette again. I hate when that happens. Fo me it's usually a book. I love your strawberry. I really need to practice more.

  15. Thanks for stopping by, Suzanne!

    Martha, hate hear you lose things too! I'm still looking for an earring if it makes you feel better!

    Teri, I've tried that "tactic" too - not so good, huh?!?

    Too funny, Cris! My Chris (Honey) started laughing too when he saw your comment because you're right!!

    Claire, I most certainly hope your missing things turn up!

    Katie, I've been known to lose a book or two as well. You'll practice when you're ready!

  16. YAY, Laure! Yells and whoops were totally in order when you found this beauty!!

  17. I feel for you! I HATE losing stuff! Drives me crazy until I find it. That strawberry looks luscious enough to eat!

  18. Glad you found your palette. Could you please find my cord for my Zink printer? I've looked everywhere for the fourth and fifth times already! I haven't even remodeled.

    That is one luscious strawberry! I would sure like to know how to do those tiny seeds. Did you use frisket to block them while you painted the red?

  19. You make me laugh. Thank you again and again and you are so cool to give the drawing away as a free down load. Very cool!!! I too have been on the hunt for lost stuff. I believe it turns into Kleenex or something by gremlins and it is sitting right in front of you all the time it just looks like something it is not.
    Sending hugs

  20. Glad you found it, Laure--it's gorgeous! I love the size of it, too. Your berry is beautiful!

  21. I know the feeling.

    There was a particular blue watercolour block that I couldn't live without. It was the basis for ALL my shadows. And they stopped making it ! Or rather changed it's composition. I brought all the remaining ones I could find, but they have all gone now. And life isn't the same.

    So I take pleasure in your finding your palette again.


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