
Friday, April 02, 2010

I Heard "Last Call!"......

.....just as I finished up on my quick sketch of this bridge in Snowdonia!* I ran for the bus just as they were about to close the doors and head to our next destination. This sketch was quick, down and dirty as we only stopped for about thirty minutes. But I had to try! The wildflowers and grasses are blooming like crazy and everything is so vivid! Can't wait to get to my room tonight and give this another (slower) try without rushing to keep up!

Watercolor Sketch in England Sketchbook
Approx. 8" x 6"

*I'm not really in Snowdonia**, even though I would love to be! I'm preparing for "An Imaginary Trip to England" and I do hope you'll join me! The ticket window will close tonight around midnight (EST), so hurry and grab your ticket before it's too late!! For more information, please click here

**Snowdonia is a region in the north part of Wales and a national park with 838 square miles. This area was designated a national park in 1951.


  1. I can't wait until class, er . . rather the "trip" starts!!!

  2. Sniff...I can't go this time. But I hope you have a jolly good visit and share some of your sketches with us here. Cheerio!

  3. nice little sketch.
    should give you something to work up something really nice. [is that good english]
    Congratulations on your watercolor, Chance of Rain. That was a super painting.

  4. Hi Laure, I see you are traveling in virtual England. How wonderful that you have continued with your travels. I enjoyed reading your posts today and catch up on the news since my computer has been difficult. Have a great Easter weekend.

  5. I can't wait!!! Just hope I don't oversleep and miss my flight.....

  6. this is a lovely picture, really captures the essence of the place, which i love. Wish i ould join you on one of your trips, such an awesome idea. have a great easter.

  7. Hey there! This sketch makes me feel like I've really been there! Great work! (Or want to be there!)

  8. I am so going to miss not being there! Have fun and from your sketch, looks like it will be a great trip!


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