
A New Look at Old - Unfinished - Stuff

4:16 PM

I came across these two images as I was cleaning out the studio and organizing my finished work…

Watercolor Valentine's Day card
5" x 5"

The one above was the first one and at the time, an absolute flop. It was suppose to be a bra laying on satin sheets with soft folds. Instead, this suggested female shape showed up. I also lost the lacy look on the left cup. The suggested female in the background was pure serendipity and I should have gone with it rather than stopping.

Watercolor Valentine's Card - Unfinished
5" x 5"
Going along the same theme, I started over. I liked this one much better and I have no idea why I didn't finish it! I mostly likely got distracted by the next latest, greatest project. It seems I get distracted a lot judging by all the little pieces of unfinished art I've discovered during the clean-out. Another behavior discovered. Right up there with hoarding old, used-up curling irons…… 

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15 Creative Thought(s)

  1. Well.... you got a couple of chuckles out of me on this one!!

  2. I would hate to say how many unfinished, forgotten starts are lying around here. Nice colors.

  3. Your reminds me of a black bra the Andrea Joseph did with ball point pen. Who knew bras could be so interesting.

    I like the color of this and never even noticed the female (almost) shape.

    Will you do anything more on it?

  4. Claire, I haven't decided whether to cry or laugh…

    Lisa, it seems to be the bane of the artist.

    Teri, I doubt I'll do any more with it. But then, who knows. After all, you never know what you're going to get from a woman that hoards curling irons.……

  5. I have never thought about painting a bra and since I take reference photos of everything I am afraid that DH would have me commited if I start taking photos of my underwear - lol. It really is hard to go back and finish something that has been put aside for a while, almost easier to start over. I really like the lacy look you achieved on the second one.

  6. Vicki, my hubby just rolls his eyes anymore, though I do have to say, he thought I was nuts when I whipped out my iPhone to take some pictures of red bras when we were at the mall last year!

  7. I'm with Claire on this one, you made me laugh too. I am so proud of you cleaning out your studio. I think after this you will not need to clean any more for a few year. Right?

  8. Hmmm, I guess the right answer, Pat, would be an emphatic "Right!" but that's not really the truth.

    I seem to be doing this in stages. Organizing, getting like items with like, etc. and throwing away or purging what I can. I still have 17 lbs of mud that needs to fit in a 5 lb bag - so there's still the challenge of getting ruthless and really purging to come! So, I'm not sure there will ever be an end to this - not when you're a pack rat!

  9. I enjoyed the peek into the unfinished archives! I have quite a few unfinished articles/essays/poems lying around--must be an artistic thing!

  10. Hahaaa! Love it--sounds like it's a good thing you do that, though, because now you can go at it again with a fresh take this time. It looks beautiful!

  11. I had forgotten about the hoarded up curling irons! Thanks for the reminder!! :-)

  12. Boy, the things you find just laying around.... I bet you could finish it up nicely.

    By the way, this ties in perfectly with all the FB posts today, with people listing what color their bra is today, in support of breast cancer awareness. I'm not that bold.

  13. i love it! fun concept and so tactile.

  14. Thanks, Sue! I doubt I'll do anything with it though.

    Yes, I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned those curling irons, Teresa, but we are what we are.

    Krista, I could figure out how to say I wasn't wearing one so I didn't!

    Thanks for stopping by rrARTz and commenting!

  15. Wow. I actually love this as an idea for a Valentine's Day card. It's really original and beautiful. That unintended female shape is a fun accident. :)


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